Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Darlington As Decorated As It's Going to Get, Part II

A footed bowl filled with old ornaments

I wasn't able to post yesterday due to the distractions of preparing for and throwing our cocktail party, which was a huge success.  About 75 people attended and a fabulous time was had by all.  We had a broad and diverse group of guests of all ages, backgrounds, and professions, and (most) people came stylishly dressed, with many of the ladies arriving in furs. 

Gold, silver, and green ornaments on the tree

As many of our parties end at Darlington, the evening wound down with a stalwart group of die-hard friends and houseguests sitting around the drawing room long after the staff had departed, drinking, telling stories, joking around, and talking about who and what had made the party such fun.

Here are selected photos of some of the interior decorations at Darlington. Tomorrow I will post photos of final preparations for the party.  Please stay tuned . . .

A bowl in the Drawing Room filled with ornaments

One of two urns in the Drawing Room filled with quince branches

 Views of each urn

The Christmas tree in our Dining Room

The Dining Room mantle

More Dining Room views

Reticulated baskets in the Dining Room, filled with ornaments

A nut- and dried-flower husk wreath hanging from a velvet ribbon in our Snuggery

The Snuggery mantle, showing the "Winter Wonderland" decorations

Black Forest carved bears and a flocked moose

A large urn in the upstairs hall landing, filled with quince branches

Photos by Boy Fenwick and Reggie Darling


  1. In my next life I am marrying an interior designer. Even if I have to be a man next go round:).

  2. Beautiful photos! And inspiring too. Your tree is just the kind of one I want to have next year. Very elegant, I must say.

  3. Just wonderful. Hope you've had a chance to put your feet up.

  4. Fabulous! I'm sure a great time was had by all. Now rest on your laurels and ring in the New Year. Looking forward to the next chapter.
    Happy New Year!

  5. Such elegant understated decoration -- love the branches -- and they'll be good AFTER Christmas! And the urns that you put them in!

    Would love to see more of Darlington -- and I love the "snuggery"!

  6. Mr. Darling -I too love the snuggery, although I'm slightly ashamed to admit that I had look up the term. I really adore the mantle decorations, and the pair of urns set atop a pair of pedestals in a pair of windows in your drawing room -so classic. You've simply got a perfectly appointed home, which I'm sure sets a good stage for your fantastic life. I would love to have been at your cocktail party, if only to have sat back and stared in admiration of the hosts.

  7. Beautiful! The tree, the urns, everything simply divine...I too had to look up the term snuggery...of course, a cozy room! how could i miss that?!


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