Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Welcome to Reggie Darling

This is my first official posting as Reggie Darling and my inaugural foray into the world of blogging.  I hope that you will find my efforts at times interesting, amusing, thought provoking, educational, and maybe even sometimes controversial.  My goal is to engage you.

This is a life-style blog.  If you are looking for a discussion of issues of world peace, famine, and the injustices of our legal system, this is not for you.  There are plenty of other blogs out there focused on such subjects and you should go there.  Now.  This blog is going to focus on the diversions that I enjoy when I’m not pursuing my professional obligations.  It will also share with you stories of my family and my upbringing, which will help put my other topics in context, I believe.  I plan on writing about entertaining, collecting and decorating, cocktails, music, dressing well, books, antiques, cooking . . . along with the myriad other flotsam and jetsam that give me pleasure, and that I believe will give many of my readers pleasure, too.  Because the purpose of this blog is to provide you, gentle reader, with a diversion from your daily cares.

I have learned a lot about these and other random subjects during my life so far, and I am looking forward to sharing what I’ve learned with you.

I welcome discussion, so I encourage you to comment here at Reggie Darling, whether you agree with me or take exception to what I have to say.  I will be moderating comments, though, so for the “Anonymous” commenters out there – you are forewarned that gratuitously snarky attacks will never see the light of day on this blog.  On the other hand, I welcome and encourage healthy disagreement and will post such comments when delivered with civility.  For this is a civilized blog, and civilized people have good manners and respect others.  I do.

So here’s my curriculum vitae:

My name is Reginald Ambrose Darling, and I’m known as “Reggie” by my friends and intimates.  I know that the name “Reggie Darling” sounds a bit of a joke, and believe me, I am no stranger to reactions of amusement when introducing myself to someone for the first time.  But that’s my name and I’ve come ‘round to rather liking it over time.

I’m a WASP sometime-observant Episcopalian who grew up on the East Coast of America in comfortable circumstances in a family that valued education, accomplishment, and service to our Nation.  My ethnic roots are largely concentrated in the British Isles and many of my ancestors arrived in America before the Revolution.  I attended one of the Saint Grottlesex boarding schools and also an English public school, and graduated from one of the Holy Trinity of the Ivy League.  The men in my family have traditionally pursued careers in the law, the military, medicine, and the Church; captains of industry are noticeably absent.  I am employed by one of the large, global investment banks where I work in the debt capital markets, and have spent the better part of my career in finance.  I am married to Boy Fenwick, an interior decorator with clients in the Park Avenue/Greenwich axis.  That’s right, I’m married to a man which is probably the only thing about my life that would surprise my forbears should they know me today.  Boy and I divide our time between an apartment on the Upper East Side in Manhattan and Darlington House, a jewel of a Federal-era house several hours north of the city that we are endlessly and ruinously restoring and furnishing.  You will get to know Darlington House well on this blog.  Boy and I have been together for twelve years and consider ourselves a family, since we also share our lives with a most-adored pug named Pompey.  You’ll come to know Pompey, here too.

This description is an expanded version of what already appears on my Blogger profile.  Some commenters in the past have irately accused me of being a snob and a braggart for providing this description of who I am.  Actually, it is simply a factual description of the particulars of my circumstances, with no sense of superiority, entitlement, or snobbishness on my part.  I am acutely aware that I am fortunate for the advantages I have had, and humble that it was sheer luck, and only luck, that provided me with such a privileged basis upon which to live my life.  I believe that no man, woman or child is responsible for where they came from, or for what hand fate has played them.  On the other hand, I most firmly believe that we are all directly responsible for (and accountable for) what we make of our lives in light of what it is that we have been given.

So, now that you know a bit about me, let’s get on with the fun!

Photos by Reggie Darling


  1. wonderful introduction -i look forward to following your blog. The house looks pretty wonderful!

  2. I couldn't be more thrilled. Congratulations on the launch - I will never miss a post.

  3. Lets! look forward to the Adventures of Reggie Darling. la

  4. Can't wait to "get to know you", sounds like an adventure! Natasha

  5. Welcome to the blogosphere from a fellow and former investment pro turned food and entertainment blogger. I too have been called a snob and it hurt for all of five minutes. It is what it is and as you said, we can't be responsible for where we came from. Love the blog and look forward to future posts!

  6. Thank you Natasha and Lindaraxa, do come back and visit from time to time...

  7. Beautiful and simple decorations--perfect for your federal home. I plan on adding your blog to my list of favorites and reading it regularly. Thanks!

  8. Dear Mr. Darling -I was just introduced to you via the dashing Mrs. Blandings, and was instantly enamored. I read through each absorbing post on your clever blog in complete awe and appreciation, and perhaps the slightest pang of envy. I look very much forward to future entries, and will no doubt use your witty and almost overwhelmingly chic life (blog) as a barometer for my own aspirations.


  9. Scott,
    Thank you for your extremely nice comment. I blush.

  10. A huge thank you to Mrs.Blandings for the introduction to a blog I look forward to reading! Welcome to the blog world where your candor and wit will be loved!
    Your home looks lovely and I look forward to party pictures..hope you have a blast! xo

  11. lovely foray into sharing your darling life with each of us.
    looks lovely, all that snow, looks so Courier & Ives.

  12. A pleasure to read . . . beautiful and captivating, lovely writing and perfect grammar as well!
    I look forward to getting to know you!
    Best wishes and Happy New Year!

  13. Thanks Mrs. M,
    I work at the grammar, please excuse any errors as they creep in!

  14. heya

    i've been having one of those days at work that started two thursdays ago and hasn't stopped. stumbled on your blog and read my way from top to toe.

    it's just what i needed. most delightful.

    keep writing, i will come visit often!


  15. Hello Sputnikoo, Thanks for your visit and comment, do come back from time to time!

  16. I am reading your blog almost a year after you wrote this post. I am fascinated with who you are and where you are. I feel must begin at the beginning and not the other way around.

  17. I attempted to post a comment a few moments ago, but not sure it arrived. What a wonderful blog! I have spent the last hour catching up on all I have missed. Darlington House is just beautiful. Love the name by the way. So wonderful to have a distraction from the city and a place to go and relax. Look forward to following.

  18. Hello Mamamagnolia: Welcome, and thank you for leaving a comment. Please come back often! Reggie

  19. Hello Reggie

    I'm "visiting from the future" having only just discovered your blog. Your intro has me fascinated and I plan to read all of your posts from the beginning in the next couple of weeks. See you in 2014 ;)

    Spud (from Melbourne, Australia)


Please do comment! I welcome and encourage them, and enjoy the dialogue.