Monday, January 18, 2010

On the Occasion of Emily Evans Eerdmans' Marriage

Dearest Emily,
Please accept the very best of wishes to you and your husband from those of us at Darlington House. 

The Trousseau of Princesse Mathilde of Bavaria, 1826
Schlossmuseum, Darmstadt

A question: When will you have the official viewing of your trousseau?


  1. Oh, yes...the throngs are giddy with anticipation.

  2. Dearest Reggie, Where on earth did you find that wonderful watercolor! Can you imagine it as a walk-in closet?

    Thank you for the warm wishes. xo, EEE

  3. Reggie-

    Do you think this trousseau was part of the Bavarian state collections?
    Was this shown and on display before she even wore it?
    Did they show her undergarments?
    Yikes...too wonderful.
    cheers, DIANE
    Your biggest fan

  4. Where could I see the picture above enlarged? So interesting and so tiny? Just found your blog and it is wonderful. Please add to the post about the party that the guests should use the linen hand towels after washing their hands and do not put wet glasses down on good furniture without a napkin or coaster. I laughed when I read your remark about feeding the dog. When we have overnight guests, we have only 2 rules and they are do not feed the dog cheese and eat anywhere you like but use the small trays provided. If you should ever come, they are on top of the micro-wave.

  5. I found this charming picture in "Authentic Decor: The Domestic Interior, 1620-1920", written by the inestimable Peter Thornton (former head of the Soane Museum) and first published in 1985.


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