Sunday, January 10, 2010

Pompey of the Pillows

Boy and I had a busy social calendar this week and decided to spend last night, Saturday, at home keeping a low profile, as we often do on weekends.

When it came time to retire for the evening I was amused to find this sight when I went into our bedroom:

Aren't I adorable?

There was Pompey all snugged up amongst our pillows, enjoying the luxury of their freshly-laundered and ironed cases.  I burst out laughing and went and got my camera to record the scene.

I've seen statistics published that claim more than 40% of Americans sleep with their dog(s), and we certainly fall within that group.  I couldn't imagine not sleeping with our little 15 pound bundle of affection and cuddles.

Do you sleep with your dog?

Photo by Reggie Darling


  1. Yes of course!My Zetta is right there, how a 40 lb dog can seem like twice her size at 4 a.m is quite beyond me though! Reggie Darling-I had just finished a long and glorious comment about your theatre experience-and you have "yanked" it off the page just as I was doing so- Shame shame. It was a terrific post-Nuff said,in fact that's all I should have said! GT

  2. Dearest LA: My sincere apologies about the yanked post; I had posted it by mistake (hit the wrong button) and will be re-posting it in the next day or so when I have finished tweaking it.

  3. I might if I had one. This little incident reminds me of being in the maternity hospital, passing a row of birthing rooms. In one was a pristine bed, awaiting some action, and a pigeon had settled herself
    on the pillows, feathers fluffed up, without a care in the world. Hygiene issues apart, it was a reassuring sight.

  4. But of course! We have one standard poodle that prefers to sleep on her bed-and little Miss Pickle that weighs-in at 6 pounds-right there with us. Really-it's the best part of the day.

  5. Waking up in my kingsize bed this morn with a maltese on the top of my pillow head, a black thai dog snuggled next to her, my sweet very old Maltese/ bichon and a husky dog I felt like some sort of wacky heiress with an empty trust fund!
    Sad to read the Broadway post...

  6. GOD i love your little Pompey!

    my westie, Billy, gets to sleep in bed with us. however, once in a while he is set down on his mattress next to the bed when he looses his privileges. you see, sometimes Billy gets confused and believes he is my husband. Billy will parole the side of the bed and will not let the real one in.

  7. But isn't among the pillows the best place to sleep! Our Corgi, Oliver, cannot and won't sleep with us -- he's too "touchy" -- but he sleeps "under" us -- under the bed at the head of the bed. And there is no way he would sleep anywhere else. He's our first dog NOT to sleep with us.

  8. Sadly, Abbey my 8yr old golden retriever has decided that jumping up on the bed every night is no longer required. I fear it might be old age, and her hips, etc. However - she does have the good sense to jump up and snuggle on Saturday & Sunday mornings when we can both enjoy the snooze feature on the dreaded blackberry!

    Curling up with a pup is one of life's purist joys.

  9. Our Lucille loves the Tempurpedic(especially on the pillows, especially with the flannel sheets in this weather)! You would think a pound hound who has a lovely LL Bean dog oval would be greatful-not this princess!

  10. I'm a bit of an oven at night -and scott's dog loves to sleep right on top of my feet (which took me ages to get used to) or nestled behind my knee (which also took a lot to get used to!). It was a big change coming from a household where dogs weren't even allowed into the bedrooms or 2nd floor -but it is cozy (now that i'm used to it!).

  11. I share joint custody with my Italian Greyhound, Louis, and he sleeps with me when he's here and with my ex when he's there. He's a fantastic cuddlier, and a living heater. He's 16 lbs with no body fat, but seems to radiate an abundant amount of heat -not bad in the Winter, but excruciating in the Summer.

  12. hmmmm, let me think about that...

    No dogs here, but occasionally I babysit a boyfriend's black lab and golden, 90 and 80 pounds, respectively. Twice I have found myself pinned down, unable to move, while they slumber on, happily unaware....

  13. Yep. Rosie rules the roost. She starts out on the floor and "sneaks" up in the night. Poor darling, It gets cold down there.

  14. It's a nightly brawl for real estate in our bed. Jack and Alex, the schnauzers, have an annoying habit of sleeping the wrong direction, but we wouldn't have it any other way.

  15. Hey, cats are dogs, too! Teddy and Kitty Carlisle are right at hand.

  16. Yes, my Jack Russell sleeps in between us under the comforter - mostly behind my knees. She can be a bit of a bed hog but nothing's funnier when she sings and runs in her sleep. BTW I have also found my dog amongst the pillows on a sunny day, but I'm sure to extract her before my husband sees! Thankfully, she's only about 14 pounds.

  17. No dogs, but I do have two cats. They snuggle up close and I wouldn't have it any other way!

  18. God, I love my dog; but no no no I don't let him sleep in our bed (and my husband would nix that even if I did - which again, would never happen!) He's got a great bed of his own, very comfy, and he also has his choice of a couple of beautiful oriental rugs. No. My dog is a dog. He doesn't wear clothes having his own luxurious fur, he doesn't sleep in the bed. He's a magnificent 95 lb. German Shepherd, I am filled with admiration for his intelligence, loyalty, handsomeness and sense of smell. But no way is he getting onto my nice, clean bed!

  19. No pets in the bed, only the husband.

  20. Aww. I want a little Pompey in my pillows!

  21. I often "lose" my own precious fawn pug in an unmade bed or clothing hamper. His copious wrinkles allow him the ninja-like ability (appropriate that we live in Japan) to camouflage. He sits there watching from his little blanket fort as I walk around calling his name. I sometimes have to resort to using a treat to get him running to my side. Usually just a bag rustle is enough...the snoring is another issue...


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