Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Reggie Recommends: Gervais de Bédée

Reggie recently came across a relatively new arrival on the blogosphere, Gervais de Bédée, that he wishes to recommend to his readers.  It is a beautifully conceived and written blog by Paul Gervais, an American-born writer and designer whose primary residence is a transcendently beautiful villa outside of Lucca, Italy, where he and his husband, Gil Cohen, live in great and understated style.  Mr. Gervais is an exceedingly cultured man, and his blog is an enchanting window into his rather rarified world.  Reggie urges you, Gentle Reader, to link to Mr. Gervais' blog, which Reggie has added to his own blog list and is one that he will be following for as long as it graces the blogosphere.

Mr. Paul Gervais

Reggie first learned of Gervais de Bédée when he received an email from its author, introducing himself and inviting Reggie to stop by his blog, as he suspected that he and I might share some common interests after having read through Reggie's own, and self-avowedly amateurish, efforts on this site.

Upon reading several posts on Gervais de Bédée and seeing its luscious photographs, Reggie realized with surprised pleasure that he had actually met Mr. Gervais more than two decades ago when Reggie accompanied a then-mutual friend on a visit to Italy.  The trip, which was dedicated to visiting the villas and buildings of Andrea Palladio, included a several-day stay in Tuscany as a guest of the Messers Gervais and Cohen at their house, the Villa Massei.  Reggie recalls it as a magical place in a storied setting, inhabited by owners of taste, humor, and refinement.

The Villa Massei, Lucca, Italy

Reggie is pleased to have become reacquainted with Mr. Gervais after all these years, and finds the coincidence of how it happened to be, well, remarkable.  One of the things that Reggie particularly enjoys about blogging--and did not fully appreciate when he started out doing it--is that it provides one entree to a world of fellow travelers with many shared interests.  Reggie considers Mr. Gervais to be such a person and is pleased to recommend him and his blog to you, Dear Reader.

You can find the blog at www.gervaisdebedee.blogspot.com

Photographs courtesy of Paul Gervais


  1. Wonderful recommendation ...the world is small.

  2. Oh yes indeed. I've left a mark, but as I'm in haste, I shall return for a more in depth study later, or tomorrow. Thanks.

  3. Dear Reggie, A gold plated introduction from you, dear Reggie cannot and shall not be overlooked. I shall hasten, henceforth, from this delicious site to Mr G to see what delights he has to offer.

  4. How come I was not surprised to find you in the bedroom of this wonderful blog?! You play backgammon too? the coincidences never cease to amaze me. You are on!

    Beautiful blog, thank you for the recommendation. Look forward to following him and to a new cyber friendship. Somehow I don't think he will be impressed with my ragu bolognese...will have to think of something else.

  5. I take you at your word Reggie. I am sure i will love following the Lucca connection also. Thank you for the recommendation.

  6. Thank you! The postings on Colonial-period houses and furnishings alone make this blog worth subscribing to.

  7. Wonderful blog...thank you. And Mr. Gervais has the most beautiful home page, too. Sadly though, once again, in the blogosphere as in life, the most interesting men seem to all have husbands! (Except, of course, for the fabulous Maxminimus.)

  8. Thank you Reggie...I shall be reading with interest, xv.

  9. What a lovely introduction. And what a beautiful villa. The world is a small and wondrous place. I shall be wandering over there next.

  10. Dear Rggie,

    What bliss on a messy day in New York to imagine oneself at the villa. Thank you for the recommendation...I am returning to read the archive.

  11. Thank you for introducing us to the elegant Mr. Gervais and his luscious, beautifully produced blog. (And I agree with yoga teacher!) xEEE

  12. What an elegant blog Mr. Paul Gervais has...thrilled to be his newest follower!! Thanks for the introduction ~

  13. Thank yOu for the wonderful introduction! I just went to his blog and was awe struck and ready to book a ticket to the south of France! You achieved what you set out to with this post!

    I can smell the lavender!
    Jamie Herzlinger


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