Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Decorating for Christmas: Rules Are Made To Be Broken

Reggie has a bit of a confession to make.  He doesn't always follow his own rules.  At least not to the absolute letter.

Why, in fact, he even allows a bit of red to creep in to his Christmas decorations at Darlington House.

He has a number of German painted wooden Christmas decorations that he puts out some years.

They have bits of painted red decoration on them.

But he draws the line when it comes to ornaments and bows.  He simply will not tolerate any of those in red at Darlington House.  That is a rule that must never be broken.

Hey, wait a second—how did that get in there!

All photographs by Boy Fenwick


  1. At Christmas you are allowed to break a few rules....

    Leeann x

  2. Well- Merry Christmas, in any case-

  3. That was entirely too cute! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  4. I love anything German that's Christmas -- they are skilled at Christmas! Love your "whirlygig" (at least that is what we call it) and your two figures.

    We haven't gotten ours out for several years -- we may just have to do that next year!

  5. Oh dear, Mr Darling, dear. It will not do.

    Well, alright. Just this once. But please don't make a habit of it.

  6. I can't believe it! You actually are allowing a bit of RED in your decorations? Such Christmas excitement!
    Be carful though.... with all this Christmas spirit you might suddenly have the urge to put a tartan bow on your mailbox. Merry Christmas!

  7. I do apologize for being off topic, but I am bordering on desperate. Would you have any idea where I could acquire simple silver rimmed glass chargers? I've searched high and low to no avail. I would be most grateful for any assistance you might give me.

    Kind regards,
    Bonnie, Ottawa, Canada

  8. So charming - love your angel and little soldier candle holder. And got a good chuckle from your invasive red ball!

  9. Oh I love that little candle powered merry-go-round. That would make the cut for my table too.
    Unfortunately my husband does not know the meaning of the word "restraint" at Christmas time. One must pick one's battles though, so the house is rather gaudy.

  10. "Would you have any idea where I could acquire simple silver rimmed glass chargers?"

    Hi Bonnie.

    I am on a work release program here at RD. I was recently found guilty of poor commenter comportment, and am allowed out only to help others this season. It is my pleasure to show you these lovely clear glass, platinum rimmed chargers. Is this what you had in mind, perchance?


  11. Naughty Reggie!

    However, I am so glad you confessed as I adore your nostalgic decorations! I too welcomed a few treasures and colors from Christmases past and they filled me holiday cheer. And, of course I love the aqua balls and the lone red one made me laugh...out loud!!!

  12. I grew up celebrating "German" Christmases with all of their beautiful handmade glass ornaments and wooden decorations as my mother is from Germany. My 'Oma' in particular would always send us wonderful packages filled with German Christmas delights (no one does holiday cookies & candies like the them), so seeing your sweet wooden decorations brings back very happy memories!
    German Red & Retail Red are two different animals (no offense Pompey), so enjoy to your merry hearts content, it's perfectly alright!

    A belated Happy Blog Anniversary Reggie, and to Boy of course...you have such a special voice, one that brings the gifts of beauty of civility to the masses...thank you and congratulations!
    xo J~

  13. For the chinese a soupcon of red is essential and augers well for the coming year- look forward to your blogs!

  14. Hee hee...made me smile big. Your decorations are charming. Thanks Reggie!


  15. Ha! Reggie! High WASP rebellion is a subtle fellow, isn't it!

  16. Does the Pope have red shoes? You made me laugh out loud Reggie.

  17. My Dearest Flo:

    One thousand kisses for you and your poor commenter comportment. This is exactly what I am looking for.

    Sending you all good wishes,
    Bonnie, Ottawa, Canada


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