Thursday, December 9, 2010

Reggie Darling: A First-Anniversary Thank You

Today marks the first anniversary of this blog.  And so I use it as an opportunity to look back and thank those who have encouraged me along the way, many of whom have blogs that have become a daily "must read" for me, and whose comments on Reggie Darling are a meaningful contribution to the pleasure I derive from writing it.  I had no idea when starting out one year ago that I was launching myself into a medium that would provide me with access to such an interesting community of like-minded fellow travelers as I have found.  It is appropriate at this point for me to pause and give thanks where it is most deservedly due.

The following people were especially kind to me as I was first starting out in the blogosphere, and I will be forever grateful and thankful for their support:
  • The Blushing Hostess, also known as Catherine Coughlin, who graciously asked me to guest post on her marvelous blog before I had begun Reggie Darling, but after I had become a regular commenter on others', including hers;
  • Diane Dorrans Saeks of The Style Saloniste, who encouraged me to start a blog after we exchanged a series of amusing emails on various subjects, and who has championed me ever since;
  • Mrs. Blandings, also known as Patricia Shackelford, who featured Reggie Darling on her own heavily visited blog just as I was starting out; and
  • Emily Evans Eerdmans, who asked me to guest post on her eponymously named blog shortly after I had begun Reggie Darling, and whom I have since had the pleasure of coming to know.
Once Reggie Darling was up and running, and as I developed my blogging sea legs, I came across a handful of bloggers who I have enjoyed communicating with, and then meeting in person, often over a delightful and conversation-filled meal or two:
  • Little Augury, one of the most prolific, creative, and interesting bloggers I know, and who graciously bestowed upon Reggie two blogging awards;
  • Aesthete's Lament, the greatest of them all, who encouraged Reggie and whose contributions to the blogosphere are a lofty beacon for us all to follow;
  • Privilege, a fellow traveler on the parkway of High WASP-dom, and with whom Reggie traded guest posts about attending our Ivy League colleges' 25th reunions;
  • The Blue Remembered Hills, an English expatriot living in Atlanta whose fascinating series of posts on near-forgotten men decorators is worthy of a book, which Reggie hopes Blue will have published one day;
  • Maxminimus, an hilariously funny Southern gentleman and sartorial dandy, whose ramblings regularly bring tears to Reggie's eyes, usually of laughter but also, at times, of recognition; and 
  • Lindaraxa's Garden, the recipe-rich blog of Julieta Cadenas, a former New Yorker now living in Georgia, who doesn't miss a trick.
In addition to these bloggers there are a number of others I look forward to reading whenever they post, whose comments I am particularly pleased to see whenever they appear in my inbox, and whom I hope meet one day:
  • The Down East Dilettante, a Maine-based antiques dealer whose well-researched essays on New England architecture and the people who built it are always richly informative and often wildly amusing;
  • Rose C'est La Vie, a talented English artist whose musings on domesticity, family, and service to her country are a pleasure to read, and at times verge on poetry;
  • The Corinthian Column, an aesthete who divides his time between Thailand and Scotland, and whose escapades in the world of auctions are much fun to follow;
  • Edith Hope, a dedicated English plantswoman with a dry sense of humor who divides her time between her native land and Hungary; and 
  • Architect Design, a residential architect based in Washington, D.C., who was the first person to leave a comment on Reggie Darling one year ago, for which Reggie will always be grateful. 
There are a number of regular commenters on Reggie Darling who do not have blogs (yet), but whose bylines alone are sufficient to excite Reggie's interest, for he knows that what they have to say is going to be worth noting.  He would like to thank each of the following:
  • Magnus, a true connoisseur of design and social history, and now a friend;
  • Magnaverde, whose stories from the trenches are hilarious and right on point;
  • Toby Worthington, who has a remarkable eye for detail and the knowledge to back it up;
  • The Ancient, who lets Reggie have it when he gets too big for his britches; and
  • My darling siblings Camilla, Frecky, and Hermione Darling, who help me fill in the gaps and details in my stories about our family when I have less than a complete memory of them.
And then, of course, I must thank my partner on Reggie Darling and in life, Boy Fenwick, who takes most of the photographs that appear on this blog, is the inspiration for many of the posts on it, edits my scribbles to make them grammatical, and who puts up with my spending most of my waking hours hunched over my laptop, blogging away, when I should be doing other, more productive things.

Reggie is, indeed, a fortunate fellow.

Graphic courtesy of Rifle Paper Co.


  1. Reggie,
    Happy one year anniversary! What a wonderful tribute to all these amazing bloggers and commenters! I think I came here first through Catherine or Stefan, as I rely often on local good taste to guide me!

    I look forward to reading your posts and often "save" them when I can steal some truly quiet to savor each detail you so diligently provide!

    Congratulations and I look forward to many more posts and fabulous images!

  2. ..and we are fortunate to follow!!
    Happy Blog-day :)

    Northern Light

  3. Happy Anniversary, Reggie Darling!
    Wishing you many more!!

  4. Reggie, congratulations! Is it really only one year? If so, and I have no reason to doubt, then I must say it has been a year of unalloyed pleasure, and I hope there will be many more.

    Meeting you and Boy for drinks in the summer was an evening the Celt and I particularly relished.

    With much affection and thanks, Blue

  5. Dearest R, Many happy returns! Congratulations on reaching your first anniversary. It seems as if Reggie Darling has been in the Blogosphere for ever, and not just a mere one year old, such is his influence and following. How fortunate we, his readers are, to have his [in my case] virtual friendship, be entertained on a regular basis to such rapier wit and enjoy the spirited conversation with such charming hosts. A toast!!

  6. I'm a new reader and fan of your blog via Privilege and Maxminimus. Congratulations on a wonderful year. I look forward to much more of your exquisite taste and tales.

  7. Well, how about that, Darling? You are older than I am. My first blog birthday is tomorrow, and your gracious thanks are going to be a hard act to follow. Your kind remark makes me blush to the top of my shiny little head.

    It is all rather fun, isn't it? Happy Anniversary.

  8. Happy Anniversary, Reggie Darling! From you, I've learned, laughed and pondered and I think I'm the better for it.

    Many thanks to you and Boy for this wonderful place on the internets.

  9. Pleased to leave a comment, then and now. Congratulations on keeping it up, you've survived the one year mark!

  10. Congratulations on your one year! I've so enjoyed your posts.

  11. Wishing you another wonderful year of blogging.
    xo xo

  12. Dear R,
    I wouldn’t be appropriate not to say thank you after almost one year of enjoying your always-witty insight on American lifestyle and decorative arts.
    Love your posts, love your blog … and my favourite one has a date: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2010
    Warm spanish greetings from the coldest London ever,

  13. Dear Mr. Darling,

    Congratulations on your important milestone. I discovered your blog by searching for Paris Porcelain images in Google and almost dropped to the floor at the discovery of your stunning table set with your latest acquisition. I soon found out that not only were the beautiful images on your blog captivating, your prose and story telling were equally so - a literary delight! Thank you for making my day a little special with each blog entry you post.

  14. Congratulations on one full year! I always look forward to the latest post.

  15. Sweet, funny, Reggie. I so enjoy your blog. Thank you for all the time you and Boy put into making it such a pleasure to read.
    Your adoring eldest sister,

  16. It's almost 7 o'clock pm. I hope at this hour you're comfortably seated in the dining room of your choice, with a couple of glasses raised in honor of your anniversary. I am raising mine to you: Happy Anniversary Reggie.

  17. Congratulations Reggie! I often send your posts to my husband who reads them at work. I remember one in particular, the drapes vs. curtains debate. We still discuss this and refer to you often (we love words, their meanings, implications etc). Many more creative blogging years to you!


  18. Reggie is, indeed, a man and a gentleman. I am privileged to know you. Thank you.

  19. We are the lucky ones, dearest one, to have you as a friend. You can't imagine how much this friendship has meant to me, cooped up in this corner of the world. You bring so many memories of the good times and I look forward to your posts every time I sign on. You are a lifeline to the outside world....but, by all means, don't let that put any preassure on you!

    I once told you that I never had seen a blog where the comments were as much fun to read as the posts. You can't imagine what an achievement it is to have such a varied group of intelligent and well versed followers that go through all the trouble of composing something witty and smart to appear on Reggie's blog. And if you are on Blogger, it is a pain!

    I will never forget the post on the maid's uniforms and what a chance you took writing about something that was so controversial and only remarked on sotto voce amongst a few. That, to me, was the launch of the real RD and what makes your posts so much fun to read.

    Here's to you and Boy (from whom I have also learned a few great tips!) with best wishes for a beautiful Christmas. Well done!

  20. Dear Reggie, Wit, style, and grace are three things I have learned from your blog, all the traits that make a true gentleman. You are, a true gentleman. Thank you for raising our standards. A dumbed down life can rise again after reading your blog. Please let the Boy know his photos and his grammar corrections are appreciated. Congratulations on your one year and please don't stop. We need your voice.

  21. Reggie, congratulations on your first anniversary, and many thanks
    for including me among that impressive list of contributors!

  22. Actually, I should be thanking you. When I press the bell and enter your virtual cocktail party--or tea, or brunch, depending on the day & time that I show up--I'm always sure of being either educated or entertained, and often, both, which is, sadly, not always the case with some of the real-life gatherings where I end up this time of year, last night being a perfect example.

    Even so, I apply your suggestions on being a good guest, and just hope that, before your next anniversary--and their next party--they stumble across your similarly excellent hints for hosts. In the meantime, here's to you, your family & your other friends that I always look forward to meeting here. Cheers & Happy Anniversary!

  23. Well, I am very happy to see that you have sorted out which of the Old Tom formulas is the better.

    Bisous, etc.

  24. Thank you for your wonderful scribings, we are all the better for it!

  25. Happy Anniversary, Reggie ! You run a fun blog. It's always a pleasure to see what you have to say. Many more happy years - I know they will be so for us, your readers.
    Best -
    - Mike

  26. Well done, and thank you for the "mention in despatches". May you continue to inspire and be inspired, and all the best to you and yours for Christmas and the new year.

  27. Reggie, congratulations on a year of waggishness and stratospheric elegance. You're a generous chap and I was honoured to be mentioned. Rosie x

  28. Congratulations on your First of Many Anniversaries! And many thanks to you, Boy Fenwick and of course, Pompey! Your posting are always charming, witty and very informative! And Boy Fenwick's charming photos and decorative skills are well noted and examined here! And to Pompey -- whose cheeky, dashing smile and winning ways always make me smile too!


  29. You had me at "The Squirrels of Darlington," the first post I read when I arrived here via Dominique Browning. Since then I've laughed and learned, and am looking forward to your second year!

  30. DEAR REGGIE--or should we say, Lord Reginald III.

    I knew from the start--your first few tentative but full-formed and totally resolved writings--that you were bound for stardom.
    Your tone has always been perfect, and as I recall I said 'launch your blog this very moment, please'.
    I love your wreaths (perfection, especially the twigs, but the chic magnolia leaves, too).
    You dare to be opinionated and niche and witty and kind and a bit naughty. Could be even naughtier, now that you are one.
    I'm so proud of your great success and the loyal band of admirers you have gathered.
    here's to many more years--cheers, DIANE

  31. I think blogger is bewitched with Reggie's splendid blog-did you get the comment, if not- again thank you, and if so- thank you.

  32. Happy First Anniversary! Your posts are always such a good education in the finer things in life!


  33. Love the blog, love Reggie,Boy, Pompey, and, not least, Darlington House itself.

    One of the joys has been an entry into a whole new section of the blogosphere for me.

    Long may you and Boy give us the gift of sharing your lives.


  34. Dear Reggie, it seems longer than a year that I have enjoyed your most gracious posts.

    Mrs. Blandings, Patricia, another Kansas Citian sent me your way originally and helped and encouraged me to start my site, I feel so fortunate to have this special world of blog friends!

    Art by Karena

  35. Reggie,
    Happy one "darling" year blogging! As a dear friend told me, it is like lighting a candle on a cake, each year the flame gets brighter!
    Blogging is like many wonderfully merry and bright! We should all light a candle and raise it to you!

  36. My Dear Brother - Allow me to add my congratulations to your already enormous collection. It's been a great pleasure to spend this time with you. I learn so much from your blog - not only about the things you discuss, but what you reveal of your adult self, a side of you in which I have had little previous day-to-day opportunity to share. I remain, Your Loving Brother, Frecky.

  37. But the real thanks should go to you, Mr. Darling, for taking the time to educate and entertain so many of us...and to the always-lovely Mrs. Blandings for sending me here! I can't forget Boy and the lovely Pompey for their contributions - many thanks to you all!

  38. Chin chin, Darling! You bring so much sparkle and elan to the table, not to mention the heaviest, perfectly pressed linens - happy first of many! xo, EEE

  39. Congratulations on your recent anniversary. Your posts are as funny as they are engaging, informative, insightful and ruminative. It's been a distinct pleasure. Thank you!

  40. I have just read all these beautifully written responses to your blogs!
    How about Diane Dorrans Saeks?? Can she turn a phrase? ( I was fortunate enough to be a subject in one of her books. I was on my way to Spain to help my daughter furnish a temporary house: a year in Madrid; for two children and two parents...all donated at the end of the year)..My favorite article about myself and my house I have ever seen!

    Diane has anointed you! I was thrilled beyond when I found you!! are a hit and a half!!! Congratulations! Bravo!!!


    ps is "ruminative" a word? WOW!!


Please do comment! I welcome and encourage them, and enjoy the dialogue.