Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thank You, Ladies

Reggie and Pompey are beside themselves with pleasure to be the subjects of two posts currently gracing the blogosphere, one by the inestimable Little Augury and the other by Ulla of Model's Own.

Little Augury is a blog that I follow daily, and she is one of the most fascinating and thought-provoking bloggers covering the worlds of design, fashion, art, and beauty that I am aware of.   To be anointed by Little Augury as one of her "Favorite Posts" of 2010 is an honor indeed.

Ulla, of Model's Own, is a delightful presence in the blogosphere, where she shares with her lucky readers a window into her world of high fashion and supreme elegance.  I look forward to opening her posts whenever she graces us with a new one.  Pompey is absolutely thrilled that she adores him, and he looks forward to giving her a kiss when he is lucky enough to meet her one day.

I urge you, Dear Reader, to click on the links to each of their blogs, above.  For, if you haven't come across these ladies yet, Reggie is sure that you will immediately add them to your list of daily "must reads," joining Reggie and their many other fortunate followers.

Thank you, Little Augury and Ulla of Model's Own.

Photograph by Boy Fenwick


  1. as the dame said in white christmas, "mutual I sure!" pgt

  2. Well-deserved, oh his Reggiston!

  3. Dear Reggie, how lovely to have you visit. I adore Little Augury and am off to see Ulla's blog now.

    Have a wonderful and very happy New Year xx

  4. Wow, what a way to end the year! Well, I have one more for you. MY lasagna has now become Reggie Darling's Lasagna. I am cooking one for my brother who arrives tonight and has specifically asked for it by that name. I think I detect a bit of jealousy...Have a happy & congrats to Pompey also from Lucy & me.

  5. Thank you for the flowers! Supreme word. From you, quite the compliment. Ulla

  6. Hi Reggie,
    It's been such a pleasure visiting, reading, commenting this year!!
    Happy New Year!

    Northern Light

  7. Richly deserved! Happy New Year filled with all things joyous to you and Boy...and a huge hug to Pompey.

  8. What well deserved recognition. I am a devoted follower of little augury but look forward to the introduction to model's own. Wishing you the happiest of new years!

  9. Is Pompey single? I may have just the dog for him

  10. Congratulations & well deserved. I'm saving the pic of the bouquet as it's very inspiring. Hope Pompey is enjoying the attention too!

  11. do tell RD where did you get that bouquet? happy new year too-by the way. or shall I say Bonne Anne?

  12. PGT: She's one of my favorite characters, that dame is!

    LPC, PT&E, Natasha, sandrajones, quintessence: Thank you!

    Christina: How nice--thank you

    Lindaraxa: Really, how astonishing! Reggie is beyond flattered.

    Ulla: The pleasure is mine. Thank you!

    Tabitha: Pompey is, indeed, single, but his dalliancing days are long gone, as is the "equipment" required for it I am afraid . . .

    MNH: Aren't the flowers gorgeous? I am glad you like them.

    Little Augury: The flowers arrived one day, entirely unexpected, as a gift from a dear and thoughtful friend. Perhaps you know her?


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