Tuesday, January 4, 2011

An Early Winter Darlington Sunset

Back in mid-December, just as the Christmassy madness was revving up to full throttle, there was a glorious sunset that lit up the trees at the back of our property at Darlington with a fiery glow.

I wasn't aware that it was happening, though, since I was bundled up inside the house, hunched over my laptop, pecking away at my blog.

But Boy was outside, puttering about, and he looked up and marveled at the beauty of the slaking sun lighting up the trees and shrubs at the rear of the hillside.  He ran in the house, got the camera, and took this photograph of the sunset's fleeting light.  Only a few moments later the sun had dropped behind the Catskill Mountains on the other side of the Hudson River, and a cloak of wintery darkness settled across the valley.

It was several hours later, as the first snow of the season began to fall, that I first came across this image while downloading photographs of another story that I was working on.  I was so enchanted by what Boy had captured that I decided to post it here so that you, too, Dear Reader, may share in enjoying it.

Photograph by Boy Fenwick


  1. My younger son and I were outside late this afternoon, and I told him that I didn't mind the bare trees this time of year because the sky was such an incredible blue, and he said, "Oh, it's the gold of the light that I like, Mom." Beautiful photograph; thanks to Boy and to you for posting.

  2. Just lovely. There's something about winter light, late in the day, that's just incomparable.

  3. Hudson river light is so beautiful. You have your own Thomas Cole painting.

  4. I am glad one of you was out in the beautiful light ! Already noticing longer days even if only a few minutes. Lovely Photo, thanks !

  5. Beautiful - I just love that long winter light. We had a lovely sky yesterday evening - very pink and orange!

  6. Beautiful. I always love the late afternoon light, as well as the return of the sun now that days are getting a bit longer.

  7. Reggie Darling, it is very beautiful and thank the gods of Nature and you should too for Boy and his camera and good eye. pgt

  8. I would love to knit a sweater in all those colours.

  9. Fortuna smiled that day for you and Boy.

  10. I've often thought that one of the marks of a great photographer is that they have the uncanny ability of always being in the right place at the right time. Or perhaps they're just more observant than the rest of us. Boy certainly seems to have this gift. What a glorious sight. Just gorgeous!



  11. Just gorgeous. Boy is so talented:).

  12. Stunning! I can only imagine how beautiful it was in person!

    Happy New Year, Reggie!

    Jaithan and Eddie

  13. Reggie,
    This is a truly beautiful image that Boy captured...the perfect bucolic scene. If my house had a landscape this beautiful I would have a gallery wall dedicated to showing off it's natural gifts in all the seasons.

  14. So sorry you missed the real thing, Reggie. It is a gorgeous image. Loved the idea of you pecking away at your blog! It does feel like that.

  15. Just stunning! Love the shadows across the lawn too.

  16. You two are a wonderful team! The secret, in my humble opinion, to happiness in life!

    what a totally gorgeous picture.

    thank you for sharing it with all of your readers!!!


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