Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It's Time to Sprinkle Some Stylish Fairy Dust

Reggie recently was the recipient of a Stylish Blogger Award from his friend Lindaraxa, and then again from Acanthus & Acorn, for which he is most grateful and appreciative.  Thank you, ladies.  Considering who else they anointed, Reggie is all a-blush to find himself in such, well, stylish company.

When accepting such an award there are often strings attached to it, for with recognition comes responsibility.  In this case, one is pleasantly requested to sprinkle the award among ten other bloggers whom one considers to be stylish, too, and therefore worthy of such recognition.

But what is one to do when so many of the choices that first spring to one's mind are already taken by one's nominating bloggers, and by others, too?  How many times can one blogger be awarded the same award, I ask?

The answer is that one must accept that many worthy recipients are already spoken for, and one must dig down into one's treasure trove of "must reads" to find, and then appropriately recognize, those who strike a stylish chord and who keep one coming back for more—and who haven't yet been chosen, to the best of one's knowledge, for such celebration.

But first I'm going to play around with the rules a little bit.  To whit:
  1. Thank and link back to the person(s) who awarded you—I have done that;
  2. Share seven things about yourself—I've already done that before, too, see here;
  3. Award ten other bloggers—If I did that my list would be repetitive with others', so I'm only awarding five today;
  4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about the award—That's next on my "to do" list;
So what were my criteria for choosing the five stylish bloggers I'm awarding the prize to?  I decided to look beyond the world of those who post about interiors, antiques collecting, high WASP-dom, entertaining, gardening, and trad-land (in other words, Reggie's primary stomping grounds) to come up with my list.  I wanted to find a group that I suspected many of my readers might not be familiar with, even though I've recently added two of them to My Blog List.  Most important, each of the blogs I chose had to have content of sufficient depth, breadth, and originality to merit such an award, and whose authors had something to say and a point of view.

Interestingly, all five bloggers I selected are—I believe—gay men, and who often, although not exclusively by any means, explore subjects of heightened interest to such, uh, fellows.  But that is, I believe, coincidental.  What is not coincidental is that each of the bloggers chosen are what I consider to be stylish ones, and whose blogs are full of wonderful pictures, thought-provoking content, and well-written prose.

And so here they are, in strict alphabetical order:
  1. Hibernian Homme is a stylish young man whose blog regularly features the works of English writers and artists (and a lot more) of the interwar years, and who is moving to Milan from New England in just a few weeks.  Reggie looks forward to following his journey there;
  2. Red Mug, Blue Linen presents luscious photography, often of young men (and some of which is at times a bit racy, so be forewarned), along with lyrically beautiful prose and poetry that keeps Reggie returning—even though he admits there are times that he is not absolutely sure he entirely understands what the author is writing about;
  3. Stirred, Straight Up, with a Twist drolly features amusing (and sometimes rather wicked) photographs of stars of the stage and screen of days gone by, frequently accompanied by hilarious, information-packed reporting by its stylish author on the subject at hand;
  4. The Haunted Lamp showcases an eclectic mix of images of vintage objects and paraphernalia—much of it owned by the stylish young man who writes the blog, photographs of lost mid-century retail and theatrical architecture and interiors, and antique postcards and other ephemera;
  5. We could grow up together is the stylish output of a young fashion photographer that gorgeously chronicles his life and work traveling all over the world in pursuit of his very stylish profession;
And there you have it.  These are the five stylish bloggers that I consider to be worthy additions to the Stylish Blogger pantheon, and which I have not (yet) seen on others' lists for this award.  I would like to bring them to your attention, Dear Reader, as meriting your very stylish consideration.

Image of the always stylish Tinker Bell courtesy of Walt Disney Entertainment


  1. In Sam Peckinpah's Western, "The Wild Bunch," a pack of thieves riding south pauses at the bank of the Rio Grande. Their junior member exults, "Ah, Mexico, lindo!" Another replies, "I don't see anything so d--n 'lindo' about it - just looks like more o' Texas, to me."

    On the other side I suspect the terrain will be familiar, but this crossing is a great comfort - even the seasoning, is not too scorching. :)

    Thanks & best wishes of rmbl ~

  2. Reggie,
    I knew if your played along, you would do so with flair and your own unique twist! I went back to read the post you referenced and of course the list was outstanding and some new to me, which can only mean exciting discoveries.

    The list of 7, interesting to say the least, but the Keebler cracker confession was so damn funny! Immediately an image of them hidden in the pocket of a well tailored suit came to mind. I'm a Triscuit girl, when scrounging the pantry...maybe we will be able to share a snack sometime!

  3. Reggie, I don't know whether to cheer or cry! But thank you for including me on your list of Stylish Bloggers. I'm already an admirer of some of the other recipients of this award, so I am indeed flattered to be in their company.


  4. great picks Reggie Darling, I am terribly remiss in keeping up with you last 2 posts and I am going to get to them. I love rmbl and met with his brilliance back in the summer. His is well deserved. It is a good thing to have good company-and we can always use it. la

  5. Dearest R, I have missed such a lot during my extended absence and now I see that you have been awarded a 'Stylish Blogger Award' to add to your rapidly growing [and well deserved] set of accolades from all points north, south, east and west.

    You do, of course, have a most individual style, dearest R, and I am thrilled for you that this has been recognised in the vast virtual galaxy of stars that is the Blogosphere.

  6. What an interesting and surprising list!
    You always keep us on our toes, Reggie.

  7. You're a real gem, you know that? Thank you for making my snowy day!

  8. Congratulations, Reggie - your awards are fast becoming like an epaulet of stars! ...Mark

  9. Laurent: You are welcome

    wecouldgrowup2together: You are welcome, too

    Acanthus & Acorn: Thank you, again

    TJB: You have a wonderful blog

    LA: Indeed!

    Edith Hope: thank you very much

    Toby: Thank you, I feel compelled to stir the pot every now and then

    D-H: You are most welcome

    MDR: And congratulations on you SBA, too

  10. Applause! Applause! And thank you for sharing your picks for Stylish Bloggers - can't wait to visit each of them.

  11. Red Mug Blue Linen, good GAWD son, I know I'm old, but at least now I know I ain't dead yet, get me a FAN [in Maggie Smith Downton voice, with rolled eyes].


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