Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Pompey Post

All right, enough already with all the family melancholia!

A number of my readers have been asking me to please post about dear Pompey, and herewith I most happily comply.

This photo was taken a number of weeks ago, on a sunny Saturday afternoon in the dining room at Darlington House.  Pompey, like many dogs, enjoys a good sun bath, and here he is sitting in one of my very favorite positions of his, with his legs straight out, basking in the winter sunlight streaming in the room's windows.

Ah, me, I do so adore my beloved Pompey!

Photo by Boy Fenwick


  1. My retriever/lab cross Joe, adores sun baths too and wood stove heat-Someday I hope we get to meet Pompey.

  2. They do love the sun. Occasionally-disdain the lens when just needing (and little does HE ask!) a little privacy.

  3. Looks like a little dog with a lot of extra skin, even so while sitting like this... ;)

    Very cute!
    Northern Light

  4. This made me laugh! I know this face, we call it the "sleepy face" and I think it's one of the things that make dogs so endearing to humans. I love seeing it on my own Golden Retriever when she wakes after being sacked out in the sun.

  5. Pompey looks like he is a pampered pup...love the soft wrinkled rolls on his back...and what a sweet face.
    I'd like to give him a pat!

  6. Oh, sweet Pompey...you are absolutely adorable. Miss. Ginger seeks out those wonderful sun-patches too, which during this time of year in the PNW are rare treasures indeed.
    Happy 'sunbathing' Pompey...and thank you Reggie and Boy for this sweet image to start the day with!
    xo J~

  7. Cute and comfy pup. Love his relaxed posture.

  8. Old dogs are the best.

    xox Camilla

  9. We love our dogs (and cats) They are part of our families. And more loved than most of my human relatives, I will offer, in my case.

  10. This is a fabulous and almost stoic picture. You almost expect a monocle and a cup of tea in the frame.

  11. Pompey, how handsome you are! Enjoy the sun bath.

  12. Dear Reggie, thank you for a Pompey post. I adore Pompey. What's not to love? xx

  13. oh my comment has disappeared...I said something like your sweet pup looked very pampered and that i would love to pat his wrinkly folds on his back...pets make us happier human beings!

    Wonder why cyber space loves to gobble words...

  14. It appears that my comment disappeared as well. I always look forward to Pompey updates. i'm sure he will enjoy the longer days and warmer weather of spring.

  15. such a darling!
    I have 4 precious pugs at home!!


  16. Oh I so needed this today-- thank you! Pompey is the best.

  17. So handsome, and perfectly lit!

  18. I do so adore that most winsome Pompey, too!


  19. Love-love-love Pompey, what a handsome fellow, with a style and panache our Silly Tilly would die for. :)


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