Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pompey sur la Plage

We are on Nantucket for our summer beach holiday, which is one of the reasons for the relative infrequency of posting here.  That, along with my rather demanding responsibilities at the Investment Bank where I work.  One does have a day job after all.

As some of my readers may remember, last year at this time I wrote that Pompey didn't care for visiting the beach here on the island.  In fact, not one bit.  It was all so wet, sandy, and noisy—what with waves crashing and seagulls screaming.  This year, though, he finds it a bit more tolerable.  At least he wasn't outwardly miserable when Boy took him there the other day just before cocktails.

It does help, though, that he has a nice fluffy towel to sit on.

He sends you his snuffles and kisses, Dear Reader. 

photograph by Boy Fenwick


  1. Enjoy your summer holiday! It looks as if Pompey is thinking, "Soon enough I'll be enjoying a nice cocktail!"

    Nantucket is such a wonderful place. I'm very fortunate to have an aunt who lives there year-round, and I make my annual summer weekend 'pilgrimage' there next week.

  2. Next year take me instead! Pompey can sit at my house in the air conditioning and be spoiled rotten by my husband.

  3. I confess to slight chagrin about your visiting THAT island. We were Vineyard sorts. Oh well. Great minds can differ.

  4. Wishing you all a wonderful holiday.
    Edward loves the beach.
    Apple, most decidedly, does not.

  5. He actually looks to be enjoying himself.

  6. Darling Pompey, it has been entirely too long, and you are an absolute delight!

    Tell those boys to be sure and take some treats to the beach for you. Mother's dog always loved goose liver pate and survived on it quite nicely when his teeth went south.

    Have fun!


  7. He is adorable! enjoy your vacation!

  8. I'm so with Pompey on this one. I don't like the beach either; there's sand every where!

  9. Michele from BostonAugust 11, 2011 at 3:59 PM

    LOVE that little dog! Glad you're going to get a few days of fine weather. Hope the monsoon rain doesn't return any time soon. Enjoy your vacation.

  10. I hope that towel is Hermes for the royal Pompey. Wishing you a wonderful time in Nantucket.


  11. A Yale-Pompey connection: The ancient Pompey, in 63BC, made the city of Gerasa one of the "Decapolis", ushering in a period of great prosperity and importance. In the 1920's,Yale started excavating the remarkably intact city, so the many Gerasa treasures now in the Yale art gallery have a direct lineage back to Pompey.

    Of course, it goes without saying that Reggie's pet would be cultured and Ivy-league.

    --Road to Parnassus

  12. Yippie! Is that my Birthday present? Thank you. xxo

  13. This is such a sweet picture. I hope you are having a most relaxing vacation.

  14. Oh Reggie, what a dear, of course he loves his fluffy towel to keep him off that terrible gritty sand!


    Art by Karena

  15. well he looks darn cute anyway! my people used to have a house on nanucket. i wonder if it's still there.

  16. Hi Reggie! Our Bacon feels the same way about the beach so we take him to Madaket. Not the entrance in front of Millie's, the other side. Take the last right on Madaket Rd., go over the small bridge, left, right, left, on to beach then right. Go down to the plover nesting area, look for a path that leads through the nests. You'll find very, calm, warm, shallow water. Perfect for dogs with short legs. Enjoy, ABG

  17. Of course he needs a fluffy towel... you know how irritating sand can be!

  18. Oh Pompey looks just like Churchill on the beach at the Hotel Nacional in Cuba, I'm sure his mood will improve when dinner is served.

  19. I think Pompey looks pretty darn content there on his towel. I'm sure he's been making lots of friends as Nantucket is a very dog friendly island.

  20. So cute! We have never taken our Golden Retriever to the beach, sad I know. I will be sure not to show her Pompey's picture for fear she will growl with jealousy! Enjoy your R&R!!!

  21. Reggie, have a great vacation. We are just back from a vacation on Fire Island, so good to be at the beach –

  22. Pompey looks quite content on the beach...I think the sea air is doing him good too, he looks like a young pup!
    Enjoy your time away...
    xo J~

  23. Pompey obviously does not like to get sand in uncomfortable places. I feel the same way!


  24. I can certainly identify with your young gent. I don't mind the waves and the sand. But the noise...goodness! It's like a herd of angry buffalo at times. And don't even get me started on the choice of swimming costume. My hope is that Monsieur P. can at least take refuge in the selection of cocktails at hand.

  25. I would dearly love some beach time- with a dog is fine. Only had one afternoon this summer and it was crowded...

  26. Sir Pompey needs a beach parasol, and perhaps a wagon with a comfy bed and a cool beverage and a few treats to endure time at the beach.
    Such hardships need accoutrements.

  27. May I suggest a critter cam on Pompey during his travels?- We could finally see "The View from Pompey's Head"

  28. What a glamorous dog Pompey is. I like his Hermes beach towel.

  29. Reggie, I'm back to say I was surfing eBay and found something that might interest you. While it's a hundred years off the mark from the items you collect for Darlington, it is simply too darling (forgive the pun) not to share with you.

    If you go to eBay, type in the words: pug silver vesta. That should get you there. It's an English vesta with an enamel portrait of a pug on it. Pompey's ancestor, perchance?

    You are welcome to erase this message since it's a private one meant for you, parituclarly if you decide to buy it, but I thought of you immediately. I was looking at dog art and antiques when I spotted the most adorable puggish face. Well, with the exception of Pompey's, of course.


  30. Great shot!
    I love the dog's pose along the seashore.

    Cassy from Acoustic Guitar Lessons


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