Friday, September 23, 2011

Reggie Reporting on New York Social Diary

Today, Dear Reader, I have the distinct pleasure of reporting on David Patrick Columbia's New York Social Diary, a blog that is a daily must-read of mine, as it is for many that I know, where one catches up on what's up and who's doing it here in Gotham and its environs.

In the post I interview Martha Glass, a charming lady whose photograph regularly graces NYSD, about her passion for collecting ceramics, an interest that she and I share in common.  I urge you to click over to NYSD and read the interview, Dear Reader, because Ms. Glass is charming, amusing, sensible, and full of good advice, and the story is full of photographs of her lovely collections.  I am sure you will like her as much as I did, and do.

Martha Glass in her dining room, with a selection of plates and
serving pieces from her collection.
Photograph by Jeff Hirsch for NewYork Social Diary


  1. I read NYSD on Friday's - for the House section - as soon as I settle in the chair with coffee to hand and this morning I find you are the author! An excellent piece of writing as one might expect and one threaded through with your own enjoyment of the subject, porcelain.

  2. What a stunning collection! I loved all of the pictures of how she displays her ceramics collection. My favorite piece would have to be the one her father commissioned in China. Great article! I also love the NYSD House section and Carol Joynt’s Across the World column. Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. A great interview, Reggie. The mixture of family pieces with later acquisitions adds a lot of meaning to this collection. I especially liked the behind-the-scenes (storage cabinets) photos and questions.

    Her father was of course Alexander O. Vietor, Yale's curator of maps for years. His most famous acquisition was the notorious Vinland Map, which still causes controversy 50 years later.
    --Road to Parnassus

  4. Hello Reggie:
    We very much enjoyed reading this article with your shared loves of porcelain singing through loud and clear.

    As you may imagine, we were particularly interested to read of MG's interest in Herend porcelain, an interest which we share. We are sure that she would love to see the Herend museum which has a splendid collection of the company's china, produced over many decades. In particular, we have a fondness for the 'Queen Victoria' design which originally adorned Queen Victoria's dinner service and is still in production today. Perhaps if MG visits Hungary one day...!!

  5. How wonderful for you Reggie! The interview was very good, asking and getting the answers to the questions I might have had, too.

    In the photos, it is interesting that so many late and almost new ceramics were shown. But that is good, proving that a collector can start at almost any point and enjoy pieces regardless of their age. I enjoyed seeing it all.

  6. I finally found somebody who has more china than me. Sending this to my daughter so she doesnt complain!

    Very nice article. Great writing, as usual, coming from you. Is the Today Show next????

  7. I've just spotted the apostrophe where it should not be in my comment! How bloody irritating!

  8. Wonderful interview, Reggie! I loved it so much I bookmarked it and will return to enjoy it again. Thank you!

  9. Thank you for the interview, Reggie! I enjoyed it very much.

  10. Enjoyed it, Reggie. I like the fact that she referred to herself as an accumulator as opposed to a collector.

    I accumulate various porcelain items which aren't exactly collections, just things I fancy.


  11. Dear Mr. Darling,

    I absolutely loved Ms. Glass's energy and enthusiasm for her collection. Very infectious, and a very interesting interview (thank you!).

    I was bitten by the ceramics bug (in my case English and French porcelain from the early to mid 1800s) many years ago, and have run out of space for any more. However, one will always make an exception for a piece that one simply cannot live without. A true collector will know exactly what I mean.

    If you or any of your readers are interested in ceramics, I highly recommend the Victoria & Albert museum's newly organized collection. It spans room upon room, and the display cases cover floor to ceiling and are packed tighter than a Tokyo subway train. I've never seen anything quite like it.


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