Saturday, December 31, 2011

Here's to Next Year . . .

Among the pleasures of this nearly finished year, a number of our dear friends, Boy, and I were also offered a sobering set of private challenges.  We sit here in our kitchen at Darlington House, with the light turning gray outside the windows, and the views to the Catskills blurring, and think fondly of all the people upon whom we depend, who depend on us, and who are connected in meaningful ways with our household and our businesses.

The dawning of a new year is also the dawning of a new day.  Noticing that the one and only potted Amaryllis we have this winter was trumpeting its first blossom, Boy whisked it out to the column upon which sits our sundial and snapped this photograph: a colorful bloom against a fading sky.

Happy New Year, Dear Reader.

Photograph by Boy Fenwick


  1. And to you, my friend. May all your challenges fade with the dawn, like rude bar bouncers, and all your joys remain, like comrades in arms.

  2. A beautiful sentiment. I'm looking forward to another year of great posts
    and sending wishes for a Happy New Year. And tonight's rule is Cheers.

  3. Happy New Years to you and yours! Thank you for a year filled with gentility, good manners, thought provoking posts, and all of your adventures at Darlington. All the best in 2012 - may it bring you good health, happiness, prosperity and peace.

  4. Best wishes, Reggie, to you and Boy, for a wonderful new year!

  5. Happy New Year to you both, Reggie and Boy, from the both of us. Long may you prosper.

  6. A beautiful photograph. I like the way the intense coral/red fades into pink, which in turn fades against the blurring sky.

    Happy New Year to both of you.
    --Road to Parnassus

  7. Wishing you and Boy a Wonderful New Year!

  8. I am sure there will be blooms everywhere for you both!
    All the best for 2012.
    Cheers Heather

  9. Happy New Year to you and Boy. Thank you for another year of beauty.

  10. Happy New Year to both of you!

  11. Dear Reggie happy New Years to you and Boy & All the best in 2012!

    Art by Karena

  12. Happy New year to you and Boy. Thanks for all you share with us.May the new year be good to you and bring you much to be grateful for. Thanks to postings like yours though I sit here looking out at a frozen northern Minnesota lake I feel warm.

  13. Good things and happy news are sure to come to you and Boy as you are both truly lovely people. I wish you both a 2012 filled with moments as beautiful as the ones you share with us on Reggie Darling.

  14. Boy's loveliest photo yet.


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