Friday, April 6, 2012

The Easter Tree of Darlington

I'm not one for overdoing it when it comes to decorating Darlington House for Easter.  But I do like to observe the most important High Holy Day of the Christian church with at least a little bit of this and that about the house.

This year we've decorated a little vintage tree with Easter-themed wooden ornaments.  Subtle, and discreet.  We bought the tree ten or so years ago from an antiques dealer in a nearby town who has since closed his shop.  The tree dates from the 1960s, and we had to pry it out of the dealer, who didn't want to sell it.  We wore him down over several months until he —finally—let us buy it from him.  I'm so happy that he did!

Happy Easter, Dear Reader.

Photograph by Boy Fenwick


  1. This is the perfect Easter decoration!

    I am thrilled to find about the blogger in Lucca! My husband's grandfather came from a tiny town just above Lucca!!

    Thank you again for such a great post!!

  2. still coveting your feather tree from the holidays...add the Easter tree to my want list

  3. I'm not one for over doing it with Easter either. Easter decor tends to be a little cheesy in my opinion. However, your Easter tree is just right for Darlington, decorated subtly and discreetly with wooden ornaments. Happy Easter! ~Delores

  4. It is wonderful Reggie; so glad that he parted with it for Darlington House!

    Art by Karena

  5. Hello Reggie:
    Your tree is charming. Like you, we rather tend to avoid decorations for Easter but do, as you, have a number of small, wooden items designed to be hung on a tree or similar. As we shall be away as from this morning, they remain in their box.

    We wish you a joyous Eastertide.

  6. I'd never thought of an Easter tree, but now that I think about it they hang eggs from trees in Germany, don't they! An elegant little work of art, this! Happy Easter to you and B and P.

  7. Happy Easter to you both, Reggie and Boy, from the both of us - the Celt and Blue. A very pretty tree, if I may say so.

  8. Charming is indeed the word for your Easter tree. While it strikes me as being like a piece of modern art, I'm sure it's timeless in Darlington Hall!

  9. A beautiful Easter tree! I must tell you that your last Easter post inspired me, and I have been collecting lambs the whole year through. My little flock numbers only nine, but I have so enjoyed my treasure hunt! Wishing you and Boy a most blessed Eastertide!

  10. Lovely idea! I also like the two blue eggs artfully laid at the base of your tree. Happy Easter.

  11. Beautiful tree.
    Best wishes to you for Easter,

  12. A fitting tree--both delicate and joyful. Lovely.

  13. I missed my late mother's Easter spread yesterday. She knew how to set a beautiful table long before we knew of any Martha Stewarts.

  14. Golly- This brings back memories- My Mom and Grandmother made one of these in the 1960's, blowing out the eggs , decorating them with bits of braid and jewels- (seemed to be a craft trend then)We thought it was the most beautiful thing in the world especially when surrounded by Easter grass and sugar panorama sugar eggs on Easter Sunday morning


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