Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter in Paris, Part II

Today's post is the second, and final, installment of my two part series of photographs taken in Paris during the week leading up to Easter.  I hope you like it.

One of the places my seemingly never-ending search for champagne took me to was Le Vaudeville Brasserie, recommended by Nick Nicholson for its over-le-top Art Deco interiors.  We were not disappointed!  Not only did we find the sought-after flutes of champagne there, but we also found what we considered to be the best oysters we ate in Paris, and this marvelous, exuberant bouquet of cherry blossoms towering over the main dining room.

We admired the zen-like serenity of this chocolatier's window in the Carré Rive Gauche, nestled among the antiques shops the area is known for.  It's so French it's almost Japanese!

I stopped at this tiny flower shop on the Rue du Bac because I thought it was terribly clever to scatter the discarded petals of the roses for sale there onto the sidewalk instead of sweeping them up and away.  So pretty.

One was rather taken by this chocolate egg in the window of Les Marquis de Ladurée on the Place Vendôme featuring a cameo of Marianne of France.

More chocolate eggs seen in another chocolatier's window, this time wrapped with springlike green and chartreuse bows.

These pâte des fruits were the perfect ending to a lovely luncheon at le Grand Véfour, one of the oldest and most beautiful restaurants in Paris.

One does not see such flower stores here in New York outside of the city's (fast-dwindling) flower district.  In Paris they seem to be at every turn!

Looking up into the Dôme des Invalides takes one's breath away.

I'm convinced the French have cornered the world's market in the creation of pretty confections.

What Easter would be complete without bunnies cavorting about, as these ones are at Deyrolle?

Shelves and shelves of chocolate eggs, bunnies, chickens, and ducks wrapped with orange bows!

Speaking of eggs, while visiting the sublime Musée Nissim de Camondo, I finally learned how to use one of those French copper bowls made for whipping egg whites.  As can be seen in the photograph, the trick for stabilizing the round bottom of the bowl is to nestle it in a ring made of kitchen towel.  This was an "ah-ha!" moment for Reggie!

Paris is full of musical offerings during the Easter season.  We chanced upon an impromptu concert when visiting Eglise Saint-Sulpice early one evening.

I got yelled at by the security guard at the Hermès flagship store on the Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré for taking pictures, including this one of gorgeous flowers on display there.

One was able to console one's grief with cocktails and sandwiches later that evening at le Bar 228 at Hotel le Meurice.  I encourage you to read my FaceBook posting on that little episode, as I think you may find it amusing.

Just as on Madison Avenue here in New York, there is always a line to get into Ladurée's flagship store in Paris.  We were luckier at the Ladurée outpost in Saint-Germain.

Flowers and motorcycles are often seen together in Paris!

We thought this diamond and pearl tiara from the French crown jewels displayed at the Louvre was rather fetching.

But, to be honest, one preferred the more accessible rose-flavored cocktail in the bar at Hôtel le Bristol.  It was delicious, and a perfect "pick-me-up" during an afternoon of taking in the sights.

What trip to France would be complete without pausing to admire topiary-filled Versailles planters in the Jardin des Tuileries?

Or a visit to Cathédral Notre-Dame de Paris?  We were fortunate to find an evensong service in process there when we stopped in.  The singing was magical.  Of course one stood a respectful distance at the rear of the cathedral when taking this image.

And with that, Dear Reader, I conclude our whirlwind tour of Paris at Easter.  I hope you liked it.

All photographs by Reggie Darling


  1. I loved every bit about your trip except the part where I wasn't there with you:).

  2. It looks like it was an absolutely wonderful trip! Thank you for sharing with us!

  3. Fabulous photographs! Thank you Mr. Reggie! I'am ever so impatient for the fall and my next trip to Paris!

  4. Are you kidding, liked it, I loved it so much.
    Such a feast for the senses. Mind blowing.

  5. Hello Reggie, It looks like Paris is set up for a perpetual celebration. Although some of what you show is specifically for Easter, it seems that all of these places would be just as worthwhile at any time.

  6. Thank you for letting us tag along via photos! I haven't been to Paris in 5 years and am dying to go back!

  7. Your Paris pictures are great. I'm ready to go back. The next time you are there, perhaps in the area of the Musee Nissim de Camondo once again, you should take a stroll through the Parc Monceau. One of the loveliest and largest parks in Paris. Great spot for a picnic and people watching.

  8. Hello Reggie,

    I chuckled at your "ah-ha" moment. Don't you just love those little times in life where everything makes much better sense than it did a second earlier.

    My breath was taken away too while visiting The Invalides, not by the dome (although, that too is certainly impressive), but by the basement level, where the tomb is.
    It was something about how the light streamed into the circular space, and danced off the magnificent marble statuary and oil lamps that did it for me.

    Everything you show in your post is beautiful. It demonstrates that with a little more effort and creativity, the world is a much more beautiful place.

    Wishing you an Boy a joyful Eastertide season.

  9. Cher RD,

    Beautiful post! That is the same shop (Hermes') that forbid Oprah to enter since they were closed for a vernissage prive' - Imagine how much money she would've dropped! Ooh la la!

    Dean Farris

  10. That vase of cherry blossom was my favourite of your flower pictures.

    I would certaily like to taste the pink chocolate Marianne, a rose flavoured symbol of France to accompany the rose cocktail perhaps

  11. What a trip. I'm more than a wee bit green with envy.

  12. It looks like you enjoyed yourself!THANKS for sharing your wonderful photos!THAT PINK EGG!Nothing like that in CALIFORNIA!

  13. You have completely destroyed a delusion i had about myself; I've never been an envious or covetous person. Then I found your blog and discovered that isn't the case at all. You and Boy seem to live a lovely life and I'm pea green with envy about your trip to Paris!

    Like all the others, these pictures are wonderful. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  14. What beautiful shops! I love how magical the storefronts become, each a little world of florals or chocolates. So jealous of your time in Paris.

  15. Ok, I'm certifiably drooling. I don't know where to begin. You certainly know how to travel, live and carpe diem. Each photo just amps my longing for Paris just a little bit more. Your posts are a treat for the senses.

    Were the chestnuts in blossom?

  16. Oh dahhling Reggie, I knew the second installment would not disappoint! gorgeous. great little places you visited.

  17. Well I never - we were in Paris at the same time!
    I wonder what day you were at Notre Dame. We were there for Evening Mass on the Thursday.

    We went to the Musée d'Orsay this time, rather than to the Louvre...

  18. Lilly Pulitzer, RIP.


  19. I'm so glad I live an hour away (near Gisors). Transplanted Hoosier. In the 60's while growning up, my big treat was walking 10 minutes to our local market and buy a pack of Twinkies. I used to gaze down at my 12 cent Twinkie and wonder if there wasn't a better sugar delivery system than a Twinkie, but WHERE? Wouldn't you know it - FATE LANDED ME HERE!!! I've been in pastry heaven ever since.

  20. Reggie-

    I'm dizzy with delight.
    Macaroons and wabbits and blossoms...swoon.
    Go back to Paris immediately and report, please, more, more.
    So happy you like Allard...their while asparagus are the best.
    Fondest DIANE

  21. For a guy who puts on airs, you sure do act like a typical tourist in Paris...I expected better from you.

    1. Oh, please—spare me the gratuitous snark. If you are such a sophisticate, why don't you write a blog and enlighten all of us "typical tourists" on how it really should be done, instead of taking easy pot shots from behind the veil of anonymity?

  22. I have never had the urge to visit Paris; that is until I read your two last blog posts. My, my, my, Paris at Easter certainly looks lovely.

  23. Dear Reggie:
    I am just now catching up on your trip to Paris. I love Paris, but have never been during the Easter season, and see from your stunning photos and fabulous write-up that I have a definite gap in my experiences that I must remedy. Thank you for sharing your trip with us.

  24. My favorite place for get Laduree is their shop at the Louvre. Not much for a line, for some reason.

  25. I am really enjoying your tour of Paris! Making me so envious, I want to go back right now!
    xo Nancy


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