Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving at Darlington House

I have much to be thankful for, Dear Reader.  Every moment of every day.

Sometimes in the rushed and frenzied world of obligations and deadlines that I live in, though, I forget to take a moment to pause and ponder just how fortunate and blessed I am, and to be grateful for it.

Today I shall endeavour to do so, throughout the day.

I've never been to a Thanksgiving service at the church I sometimes attend, but I'm planning on going today.  One of the things I enjoy about our little congregation is that it draws people from all walks of life, some of whom live in very different circumstances than my own.  I have much to learn from them.  Attending services there helps me keep things in perspective, and I am thankful for that.

A tradition I observe at every Thanksgiving meal I attend, whether in my own house or another's, is to ask each person at the table to share what it is they are most thankful for this year.  I'm always intrigued with the window this provides into my table companions' lives.  More often than not, what people share provokes murmurs of agreement from those of us at the table.  Sometimes we respond with laughter, and sometimes we respond with tears.

So, what am I most thankful for this year, you may ask?  That my dear sister Camilla, who has lived in pain for many years, is now mending.  I am grateful that modern healthcare is making that possible for her.  I do so love my darling Sister.

This year it is just the two of us at Darlington for Thanksgiving, by choice.  I've been on a mad dash for much of the autumn, and the prospect of four days of quiet home life is something I have looked forward to, if not yearned for.

Times of unhurried reflection are some of the most regenerative and nourishing ones, I find.

Happy Thanksgiving, Dear Reader.

photograph by Boy Fenwick


  1. Dear Reggie,
    Thank you for the inspiration you bring to us throughout the year!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your Family!

    The Arts by Karena

  2. A very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, and every good wish that your sister continues to heal.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Best Regards,

    Heinz-Ulrich von B.

  4. I am thankful for you and your lovely blog. Here's to a quiet, thankful day!


  5. I, too, am looking forward to four days of unhurried reflection. In this troubled world we live in with so many commitments it will be nice to slow down and become a human being again. Lovely thoughts today. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. We are also having a quiet thanksgiving after a late yet enjoyable Thanksgiving eve at The Waldorf Astoria Junior League debutante ball. It was wonderful! Warmest wishes to you.

  7. Dear Reggie, I am thankful this Thanksgiving to find myself as a guest at someone elses table and not hosting along with my family. We anticipate a wonderful day full of friends, good food, wine and laughter, and for that I am most grateful.

    Wishing you, Boy and Basil a peaceful and relaxing Thanksgiving weekend, and of course, thank you for the joy your fine blog brings into my life.

  8. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your dear ones!

  9. Happy Thanksgiving to you Reggie. Sometimes we have to step off the merry-go-round that is life, and take things much more slowly and quietly, if only for a while and to regain a little perspective. Good news that your sister is recovering.

  10. I am thankful for having you as a friend! It makes me so happy to see you both! xoxo

    (and so sorry for the mad dash the other night!)

  11. I am so glad about Camilla. My poor Madame Mere has been living in pain for many years and she just fell again. For her, unfortunately there is not much that can be done except those awful painkillers.

    Chrity and I have spent a couple of TGs by ourselves, one of them moving, and they are actually quite delightful. The one you love is all you need. Oh, and there's little Basil....

    Have a peaceful day, dearest one. You are one of my favorite friends in the whole world. Licks from the Sous Chef.

  12. Happy Thanksgiving, Reggie! Enjoy the quiet time.

  13. I am thankful as well. Best wishes to all at Darlington House.

  14. Hello Reggie, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I am having a quiet holiday also, but stealing a page from New Year's, I am viewing it as a chance for reflection, a few resolutions, and a clean-slate type of new beginning.

  15. Sounds perfect. I hope you enjoyed the service and your four days of peace and reflection. Best/DT

  16. Happy Thanksgiving Reggie, Boy and Basil!

  17. Thank you for your lovely post! Happy Thanks- Giving!
    What a wonderful holiday indeed!
    I am grateful for all these connections, thoughtful and uplifting.

  18. I loved your beautiful post and am so happy that your sister is mending. Enjoy your relaxation and reflection!

  19. Another reader who is always thankful for you, Boy Fenwick, Basil and your wonderful words from your heart, hearth and home ... All the very best to your sister too ...

  20. Much affection to you Reggie, and I am so pleased to hear this about your sister!


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