Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Reggie Is Having Fun Over At Privilege

Reggie is thrilled (and tickled pink) to have collaborated with LPC, the writer of the marvelous blog Privilege, on a post analyzing and discussing the sartorial style of the East Coast Grande Dame.  For those of my readers who aren't familiar with LPC's Privilege blog, I whole-heartedly recommend that you click on over to it and give it a gander.  I am sure that you will become as hooked as I am.

The Style Icons of the East Coast Grande Dame
as selected by Reggie Darling for Privilege
Image courtesy of same

I first became aware of LPC's Privilege blog shortly after I started my own, and we have since become fast friends, transitioning from an initial electronic acquaintance discussing our shared High WASP backgrounds into a live, "Let's have dinner when you are in town" one.  Several years ago we guest-posted on each other's blogs about attending our twenty fifth college reunions at the Ivy League schools we went to, in her case Princeton and mine Yale.  You can link to her post about it on my blog here.

The East Coast Grande Dame's favored accessories
as selected by Reggie Darling for Privilege
Image courtesy of same

On her own blog, LPC frequently discusses the sartorial equipage of three types of WASP women: the "Sturdy Gal," the "Artsy Cousin," and the "Grande Dame," each of which she cleverly defines and analyzes for her devoted readers.  A month or two ago LPC did a post about Grande Dame style where Reggie commented and which prompted LPC to invite him to collaborate with her on a piece about the style of the East Coast Grande Dame, a subset to her broader Grande Dame category.  LPC sought Reggie's input because she is a life-long Californian (her parents decamped there from their East Coast High WASP origins before she was born), and felt that I could provide a window into the style of the East Coast Grande Dame from "the inside" (so to speak), as a New Yorker.

Modern Day East Coast Grande Dames
as selected by Reggie Darling for Privilege
Image courtesy of same

I had much fun collaborating with LPC on her post, peppering her with images and suggestions, and I think the result is absolutely swell.  I am honored that she asked me to contribute to it, and I encourage you, Dear Reader, to click on over and read the piece here.

I hope you like it!

Many thanks, LPC, for giving Dear Old Reggie the opportunity to have fun with you on our collaboration.  You are a treasure.


  1. The DAR has nothing on DOR, (Dear Old Reggie.) It was my pleasure to work with the master. Thank you for choosing and collecting those perfect images. And for your, as always, inimitable voice and a friendship. xoxox.

  2. Reggie, I enjoyed your feature at Lisa's. Though I am not from money, two of my cousins were mentors that showed me great style and that grace comes from the heart.

    The Arts by Karena

  3. I enjoyed the LPC piece, Reggie, but I must say that I was disappointed that you did not include MD in the Grande Dames category.

  4. Reggie that really was a fun post. I look forward to future collaborations between you and LPC.

  5. Love Lisa's blog. I do miss the old Grande Dames of Yesteryear. The Kardashians just don't cut it for me today. Love seeing your list. Thanks.

  6. I wouldn't have thought a grande dame would wear those cuffs or that Hermes H ...but what do I know ?

  7. I loved the post! As I love most things over at Privilege, and particularly (de)constructing the archetypes.

    I'm interested to know on which post it was that your comment inspired this one, as I'd be interested to reread it in the light of this!

    Thank you.

  8. Happy to see the a few of the working Grande Dames-especially Carrie Donovan. Great stuff!


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