Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Reggie's Return

Hello Dear Reader.  After a one year and one month absence, I am pleased to return to the Blogosphere, and to pick up with you where I left off.  It has been an event-filled period in my life, with both ups and downs.  I am older and wiser and better for it, I believe.  I genuinely thank the many of you who contacted me during my absence to let me know that you have been thinking about me, hoping that I'm all right, and encouraging me to return here.  It means a lot to me.

This past weekend we attended the splendid Trade Secrets Rare Plant and Garden Show, held annually in Sharon, Connecticut, which I've written about here several times before.  The photograph I'm showing is of yours truly carrying a marvelous tree fern up the walkway at Darlington.  We bought the fern at the show from the good people of Snug Harbor Farm, of Kennebunk, Maine.  The fern is destined for our screened porch, where it will take pride of place I am sure.  I look forward to enjoying its company in the ensuing months.

Late spring is one of my favorite times of year, Dear Reader.  It is a time of rebirth and renewal, where the world comes deliciously alive here in the Hudson River Valley.  I love it for many reasons, including the prospect it heralds of growth and for beauty unfolding.

It's nice to come home.


photograph by Boy Fenwick 


  1. Hurray! And welcome back! And yes, during the loveliest time of year.

    Please do consider sharing photos of the screened porch with the fern...


  2. Oh, Reggie, one of my friends got a small one as a gift and with her care over the next 10 years it grew into a 15 foot tree! Tree!!! But she had a great place to winter over -- a hot tub room and even though the light was low, it thrived! So perhaps you can do the same!

  3. Good Heavens! Do my eyes deceive me? Is this truly a resurrection akin to the second coming?

    Tickled pink to have you back. Let the fun begin!

  4. Spring! lovely to see you back.

  5. Welcome, welcome back! We've missed you. And toast fern looks wonderful.

  6. Welcome back. Looking forward to catching up with the life and times of
    Darlington House.

  7. I am glad to read your musings again.

  8. Welcome back! You were missed.


  9. I'm so happy you're back! I've missed you Reggie. You're looking in fine form with that incredible tree fern, it's so good to see you! xo

  10. Hello Reggie, So glad to see you are back, and in impressive style with an exotic tree fern to dress up your house. I am looking forward to catching up with your adventures and opinions.

  11. So glad to see you are back! You have been missed. Looking forward to regular updates.

  12. Reggie! You have been so sorely missed! I have alerted everyone I can think of so we can rejoice in one long loud chorus! As a former Whiffenpoof, I believe you might want to close your ears:). But worry not, it's all from happiness!

  13. Welcome back! You have been missed indeed.

  14. Such fun to see you! Welcome back! All my love...

  15. OMG I was going to wait until tomorrow to chech my emails. I'm I glad I checked in. WELCOME BACK!!! you look wonderful behind that fern LOOK AT THOSE SKINNY LEGS!!!! Darling, you r a sight for sore eyes! YIPEEEEEEEEE!!!! NOW I'm too excited to go to sleep...

  16. I have signed up to follow you again after hearing that you have returned....welcome back!

  17. So glad to see you back! Will you and Boy be in Hudson for Pride? It would be great to meet for a drink. My husband and I love the town and your blog. All the best, JohnStephens

  18. Welcome back! I kept coming back to your website in the hopes that you would return and now, like the prodigal son, you have. Wonderful. Jean

  19. I'm a silent follower but coming out of hiding to say welcome back! What a great surprise!

  20. Just when I had given up all hope, here you are again! Welcome back!!! Your return is reason to rejoice!

  21. Oh I am glad you are back. I missed your posts and your updates from my beloved, and often missed, Hudson Valley.

  22. Reggie, Late Spring has now bloomed for me. I am delighted to read your words and see the image of renewed life. Thank you!

  23. Elizabeth SpeicherMay 21, 2015 at 7:59 AM

    I have missed your witty, elegant and informative writing. I am hoping your sabbatical was restorative and enjoyable, and I am looking forward to another saucer story soon.
    Warmest regards.

  24. Welcome back! What a wonderful surprise!

  25. Reggie, so so nice to have you back! I almost didn't believe my eyes when your blog was at the top of my blogroll this morning, what a pleasant surprise. Hope you are well!!

  26. Welcome back! You have been missed!

  27. I had always been a devoted reader - but never commented - so missed your blog terribly - but it is such a great surprise to see you today and I break with tradition to comment - WELCOME BACK - YOU HAVE BEEN MISSED . I sign as anonymous because it's easier - and I don't have a blog. Anne

  28. What a wonderful surprise! Welcome back!

  29. Welcome back! Smiling happily at your return. I missed your blog. Cheers! - Hilary

  30. Welcome back Dear Reggie! I did spot you on the NYSD with Boy looking as if you've been training for a triathlon.
    I have been badgering poor Chronica Domus over what she laced that marmalade with.
    So glad you're back!

  31. Oh joy! Have missed you so much, Reggie. Thank you for returning--today is a happy day!

  32. I never commented before to tell you how much I enjoy your bog - I wish I had. I am so very happy to see it again. Thank you! Warmest wishes to you!

  33. I was delighted to see your name in my email. I have so missed your posts Welcome back, dear Reggie; you are breath of fresh air! Angela Muller

  34. What a happy surprise! I had given up hope and thought you had de blogged. And here you are. Looking forward to news, views, and counsel.

  35. Terrific!! Your many readers in The Bluegrass State are delighted that you're back.

  36. So happy to have you back! I wager you have probably set the "blogosphere" on fire with your return. On a personal level this has made my WEEK! Thank you.

  37. Oh we all missed you! YAY!!!!

  38. Your face brought a smile to mine. I'm so pleased to again read your posts!

  39. A dull Autumn day in New Zealand has been brightened by your return. So looking forward to you sharing more tales from Darlington House.

  40. Welcome back Reggie! So good to have your voice on my blog roll again. Love your style.

  41. You have been sorely missed and I am thrilled to see you back at home!

  42. Oh Reggie - how wonderful to have you back! As you know by now, you've been missed. Since I was in the area this year, I was so hoping to attend this show but my 2 year old grand-daughter had other plans! Cheers from Richmond, VA - sara

  43. Dear Reggie,
    Delighted to welcome you back and look forward to your future posts. Be well and be happy. Best to Basil and Boy.
    KL Gaylin

  44. I don't think I've ever left a comment, but have missed your blog since you stopped posting. Checked it for weeks and then stopped. For some unknown reason checked it today, and here you are! Am glad you're back! Missed your interesting posts.

  45. I add my small voice to the cheers. Welcome back! You've been missed.

  46. I'm so happy you've decided to return to blogging! Welcome back.

  47. Welcome! I am so happy to hear about your return to writing. I have missed your posts, perspective, sense of humor and sense of history! Happy summer and I wish you, Boy and your family the absolute best! Really missed you! Elizabeth in Nashville

  48. I have no idea what made me check your blog tonight...I care not the reason, just grateful to see you're back.

  49. Dearest Reggie,

    Welcome back to the blog world. I have seriously missed your fabulous posts.


  50. I missed your posts and this was a welcome site on my Sunday morning.

  51. So very glad you are back. Thank you for writing.

  52. Oh!!! What a great pleasure to see you again -- I have missed your wonderful words! And Best of Summer Greetings to Boy and darling Basil too! You all have been missed!

    Cheers! Jan at Rosemary Cottage

  53. Welcome back. Love the fern, just bought a small one for our small deck.

  54. Welcome back! I was at Trade Secrets as well last weekend. What an amazing collection of vendors at such a beautiful site. Lion Rock Farm is the perfect venue for this special event. And that fern is fantastic!

  55. Hi, Reggie — It's good to have you back!

  56. I am so glad to hear from you!! You look marvelous behind that beautiful fern.

  57. We saw less and less of Reggie over the last 13 months, and now we see less of him too; not the fern obscuring you, but you appear to have shed pounds, no? A fit Fitt?

  58. Great to see you back again!

  59. Ad me to the list of those glad to see you back to blogging!

    I have a large tree fern in a pot and found over time that it prefers to be watered and misted with lukewarm water. Cold water from the tap or hose made it most unhappy. Hope this helps.

  60. I missed you! Oh happy day that you are back! Love the fern! Can't wait to see it in the screened-in porch!

    Welcome back!

  61. I am so happy you are back. I very much enjoy your blog!

    - Tammy

  62. Well, I am just delighted you are back with us. I've enjoyed your blog immensely and your beautiful home. Glad to see you here and I found out through FB that you had recently been here in my hometown of Macon, GA visiting. Hope you enjoyed being here and again, welcome back.

  63. You're back! Looking good, Reggie!


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