Friday, June 25, 2010

A Tuscan Idyll

I haven't been posting lately because Boy and I are on holiday in Italy.  We are staying with friends in a large farmhouse in Tuscany that supposedly has Wi-Fi service, but no one seems to know what the required password is to use it.

The farmhouse where we are staying

So while I've visited various internet cafes in the area from time to time to check up on comments and post them, I have been admittedly more focused on visiting the region's wineries and towns (we spent a delightful morning in Siena yesterday), and lolling around the pool.

The view from the pool

That is, when we aren't dining on the marvelous food or drinking the divine wines that one dreams of when fantasizing about visiting Italy.  But all good things must come to an end, at least for Reggie, and I shall be back in posting mode again shortly.

In the meantime I am working on a story, the only other post that I am planning about this trip, about our visit last weekend to the Mario Praz Museum in Rome.  It was quite an experience, and I look forward to sharing it with you, Dear Reader.

Photos by Reggie Darling


  1. What a glorious setting! A group of friends and I are travelling to Rome and Tuscany in October, so I am happily soaking up any tales of Italy that I can find.

  2. Good, sweet Lady Gaga.
    Just gorgeous.

    You just caused much jealousy.

  3. This Italian farm house looks absolutely charming. Enjoy your vacation!

  4. How wonderful... Tuscany is definitely on my list of places to travel to ... perhaps during harvest season this year.

    I hope you post about where to stay, places to eat... local treasures etc. Enjoy your fabulous trip! HHL

  5. Is there any time left to visit the charming walled village of Lucca? Really, there is no place quite like Tuscany-especially at this time of the year- but then Christmas and New Years is pretty fabulous. Have a wonderful time, relax and enjoy the wine.

  6. Tuscany is divine. Italy is divine. I miss it all, and need to re-visit again soon. I don't know how far away you are, but if you have time, go to Lucca.

  7. Thank you for all of your comments, we are having a delightful time. I visited Lucca, a magical place indeed, the last time I was in Italy, and absolutely loved it. For those of you happily planning an Italian visit (or a European one for that matter) the dollar/euro exchange rate is really quite favorable (and predicted to improve further into the autumn), and nothing like I've seen in years. It's once again possible to eat out in nice restaurants and do some clothes shopping without rapidly going bankrupt. Book your tickets!

  8. MARIO PRAZ!!! Be still my heart. Can't wait and thanks for taking time to share all this wonderfulness with us.

  9. How bellissimo! Eat, drink, be merry and whatever you do, don't hurry home... :)

  10. I'm with Jason.! Looks like you and your man are having a blast though, which is great. Beautiful scenery.

  11. I have just stumbled upon your excellent blog, and I have become an instant fan and admirer.

    As a bit of a latecomer, I wonder if you will had posted your story about your visit last weekend to the Mario Praz Museum in Rome.

    I do not seem to find it searching in your blog, so I wonder if you had posted it in some other forum.

    I traveled to Florence and Rome last year and I am hungry for more!


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