Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave

Reggie is back from his trip to foreign lands and is happy to be home again.  Oh yes, I adored our visit to Italy, and Boy and I had a lovely time in the land of sprezzatura.  But as Dorothy said, "There's no place like home," and it is a delight to be sitting, once again, at the kitchen table at my beloved Darlington House, typing away.  I'm working on lots of different essays, and I'm looking forward to posting more regularly in the coming weeks.

Photo by Boy Fenwick

But before I do, I would like to recognize our nation's Independence Day, for we are truly blessed in this country, the land of the free and the home of the brave.  On this day I honor the genius of our Founding Fathers, and the miracle that they wrought in establishing the independence of this nation, founded on the principles of liberty, equality, and justice for all.  We are fortunate, indeed.


  1. Welcome home! Looking forward to your posts.
    Love the draping of the flag around the medallion of George Washington.
    Best wishes,

  2. Living in Dorothy Land -- there IS no place like home!!!!

    We are fortunate, indeed, to be living in America -- truly the land of the free -- and we should also salute all of those brave soldiers -- from those who served in the Revolutionary War to those who serve now -- for they've kept us the land of the free!

    Nice picture!

  3. It is exciting to travel, but so wonderful to come home. Yes we are truly blessed to live here.

  4. Goodness gracious - all the best for your national day!

  5. There is nothing better than coming home.
    I hope that you and Boy have a wonderful Fourth of July!

  6. Welcome home! Hope you had a great Fourth of July!

  7. As nice as it is to get away, it's even better to return home.

    Mrs. E. and I realized how truly American we are the first 4th we spent overseas. There were fireworks for the summer season anyway -- so we belted a few patriotic songs into the Riviera night.

    I hope you had a wonderful one.

  8. That's a great picture. While in Rhinebeck this weekend I noticed several of the festoons you put up for Memorial day. Tell me, what is their significance?

  9. Thank you, everyone, for your comments and good wishes.

    DAM: The significance of such festoons is that they are patriotic, flag-like banners, similar to bunting, but incorporating actual stars and stripes.


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