Saturday, June 1, 2013

Pompey at Fourteen

What with all the excitement these past several weeks, I forgot to mention that our dear little Pompey turned fourteen.  He is an old dog.

We had a scare on his birthday weekend, Dear Reader, when we had to rush him to the hospital, for emergency treatment.  You can see where the vet shaved his arms for the IVs.

We almost lost him.

It really took a lot out of him, and he is noticeably diminished.

Every day with Pompey is precious to me.  I don't know how many more of them we'll have, but I know that I shall treasure each and every one of them.

Photograph of Pompey in Reggie's arms taken today by Boy Fenwick


  1. Reggie and Boy,

    Sending good thoughts for y'all and Pompey. Give him a little scruffle from me!


  2. Hi Reggie, our pug Mo is 10 years old. 2 weeks ago she also had an emergency respiratory issue, first time in all these years. She had surgery on Tuesday to help with breathing, removing some of her soft palate and laryngeal sacs. Unfortunately she has a 70% collapsed larynx but we are hoping to keep her cool and calm so that she has many more years far she is doing well. We hope the same for Pompey, they are very special friends. Paula

  3. This is TOO upsetting for words...

  4. It seems like it was just last year when he was a tiny puppy smuggled aboard the Maid Of The Mist in Boy's mail bag! What a good little dog he is, how lucky he has been to have you two, and you him. I hope he sticks around a good bit longer. Give that Bug some ice cream!


  5. Hello Reggie, That was a terrible scare for you and Boy. I hope that Pompey is recovering now.

  6. Happy Birthday little guy. May you have a few more good years with your loving masters. xo xo

  7. He is darling and you are wise to treasure each day. We lost our Simone-Marie at 15 last week. They give us such love and comfort.

  8. RD, I am sorry to hear about Pompey, hope he is feeling better. One of the NYC decorators I used to work for had a pair of pugs, and they were a lot of frisky fun. Carter and Cooper I think they were called. Very mischievous, they lived on East 74th Street for many years...

  9. Pompey looks very happy, handsome, and loved!!! If only all dogs could have such wonderful lives!! Happy Birthday to Pompey!

    The Perfect Life

  10. He is the cutest. Love from Memphis.

  11. To the BOYS...Pompey is your Lovechild that binds and holds your Happiness forever. He is a touchstone of Time...his only fault is unlike our lifespan, his is shorter - this flaw is OUR sadness, but then again...any time spent with an Angel on Earth is TIME given by the Heavens to only Special SOULS!

    Give him many hugs...little kisses, and when he sleeps tonight, SMILE - for he has brought US all smiles in your honoring of his beguiling charm.

  12. A DEAR................he will surprise you and be around for awhile I hope!

  13. Sending Pompey good thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery. When I lost my Sabastian after a long struggle it broke my heart for a very long time. Treasure each day as Pompey is a true blessing to the both of you. Jane Keller

  14. That is such a scare! You are all lucky to have each other!!!
    I hope you have many more days!!

  15. Pompey has the cutest face I've ever seen. What an adorable one he is, and if you hadn't said anything about him being ill, I would have said he looks to be in perfect health.

    I know that must have been a terrible scare for you and Boy, Reggie, and I pray that Pompey's health improves daily.

    Happy Birthday to darling Pompey with many, many more to follow!


  16. I hope Pompey feels back to his normal self soon, he is adorable and of course very intelligent. I wish him many more years of health, I love him to bits and I've never even met him.
    My best to all of you.

  17. Happy birthday to your beloved Pompey! I am so sorry to hear about his recent scare. Hope everyone is feeling better. Soon.

  18. Reggie -- we lost our Ollie last year at 14 after two times rushing him to the vet . . . after the first time, we realized how precious each day was and we enjoyed each day (which was actually, about 8 months) and apprciated him all the more.

    Non dog lovers don't really understand how much a pet means . . .

    Pompey is precious and so enjoy every day you have with him.

  19. I too am sorry to hear of Pompey but glad he is back home.

    Doesnt the black and white striped ribbon meld with his grey coat?.

    My cat ..a grey tabby is also 14 and would complain loudly if a striped or any other colour ribbon was placed around his neck.

  20. You have a lot to celebrate, and your good care for your dog shows. Treat every day you have with him as a gift and he'll respond with love and appreciation.

  21. Hi Reggie, The love of our beasties. Prayers that Pompey will soon get his mojo back. Don't know what I'd do without Jones beside me. Pompey is looking very dapper with his birthday ribbon.

  22. Fourteen? He is just a puppy! Glad to know he is back to his old self. Hugs and kisses will keep young Pompey going for many, many more! A birthday kiss from Lucy and me.

  23. Happy birthday, Pompey! I wish you a speedy recovery.

  24. I hope Mr Pompey is doing well now!

  25. Sending best Boofday scruffles to Pompey.

    Being able to share your life with loving dogs is a wonderful thing. Our time with them is always too short. Treasure every day and make good memories.

  26. I'm sorry to hear that Reggie,
    As a fellow dog person I understand how you must have felt. I am pleased that all is well now.

  27. Oh I so know what you are going through! My little Wylie, a Westie, will be 15 in November. He has a heart condition. Hang on to your baby and enjoy every minute with him. The thing that gives me comfort is I know that they know they are loved! :)

  28. And who can resist that sweet face. I hope you have many more birthdays with him--AR

  29. Dear Reggie - I'm glad to hear that Pompey pulled through okay. I'm sure your loving care has extended his life several times! I hope you enjoy more birthdays with him!

  30. I'm happy to hear Pompey rallied through that scare. I imagine it was not only the IVs but all that love he is enveloped in. He looks dapper with that bow and the expression on his face is so very sweet. To love and be loved - can't think of any greater meaning for life. I hope he continues to be with you both as long as possible.

  31. Here's hoping for a strong recovery for Mr Pompey, he is lucky to have such caring owners. Love makes all the difference.

  32. Glad to hear he is feeling better.

  33. Many, many happy returns on your 14th birthday, dear Pompey! I wish you many more with your loving and caring owners. Every household should be blessed to know the pleasures of man's best friend. Oh, and what a lovely portrait to commemorate your birthday. Just lovely! Get well soon.


  34. Lots of good wishes and prayers for Pompey's
    continued good health and to you and Boy for
    being such loving care givers. I almost lost
    my 18 year-old kitty a week ago so I know
    just how you feel.

  35. Get well soon! Lots of love from David, Peter and Willoughby.

  36. Happy Belated Birthday wishes to Pompey! One of them is for a speedy and full recovery.

    We got to go on a surprise visit to the vet with our 15-year-old cat two weeks ago, and so know how nerve-wracking the experience can be. Here's to recuperation for you and Boy as well.

  37. How wonderful he pulled through! Dogs really do become so much a part of the family I'm sure you are both so relieved!

  38. Hope Pompey continues to feel well. His photo really touches my heart. I have an aged cat who has had to go for treatment twice lately and it makes us realize how precious they are and to cherish each moment.

  39. I have two old pug dogs, Wallis and Windsor, who will be 14 in November. It is sad when they become diminished. My girl has back and hip issues (she sits just like Pompey in your photographs) and my boy has some balance problems. Both are deaf. But I just adore them, so I know how you feel. Good luck with Pompey and cherish the time you have with him.

  40. Happy Birthday to your sweet pup. They sure do work their way into our hearts, don't they? I hope he is soon up and about and back to his old self.

  41. Michele from BostonJune 3, 2013 at 3:35 PM

    I hope the little mister gets well soon! My Jack Russell is 17 and this past weekend the poor thing really showed her age (poor hearing, even poorer eyesight, and a little arthritis) with the excessive heat and humidity. It's so tough to become so attached! Elderly pets really are a handful sometimes - but then, so are people, right? Always more love and sympathy required.

  42. He's very distinguished looking. I'm happy he is somewhat recovered. I couldn't bear anything happening to our little Chester.

  43. Sorry to hear Pompey was doing poorly this past weekend. Wish him a quick recovery to a vigorous lifestyle--even if somewhat diminished. My cat, Chaucer, turned 19 in April. He has renal problems, is deaf (I still talk to him like usual), weighs only half of what he used to in his prime (was 15 lbs), but he still has a good appetite and hanging in there. My daughter and I call him our Little Old Man. Difficult it is, however, to watch his life decline.

  44. I just lost my little dog companion of 16 is a devastating experience.

  45. Happy Birthday to your boy...well...your littlest boy anyway. Glad he's still with you!

  46. Ok, Reggie , you made me tear up- I just lost my little Welsh Terrier , Weaver, at 16- He was funny and grumpy and hard headed , not everyone's cup of tea, but I loved him and I miss him- Sending all good thoughts to Pompey, you and Boy-

  47. Dear Reggie, I know how very special Pompey is to you and Boy. Lets hope he recovers nicely and had more pampered years ahead.

    2013 Designers Series Featuring our friend Scot Meacham Wood
    Art by Karena

  48. Happy Birthday to your sweet Pompey! He is a loved and treasured baby and lucky to have you and Boy!

  49. Reggie,
    Oh poor Pompey and poor you and Boy must all wear your age with such style. I do hope that your sweet thing is not in any pain or discomfort and rallies to his chipper self. We are all rooting for you Pompey.


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