Sunday, June 9, 2013

Reggie on Hiatus . . .

I need to take a break, Dear Reader.  I wish it was because I merely needed to recharge my batteries, but it's because I have rather a lot on my plate right now.

For the next month or so, what with international travel, intense work commitments, and other pressing obligations, I'm not going to be able to post here.  It's all good, mind you—just a lot of it.

See you later this summer!


photograph courtesy of LIFE Images


  1. You will be missed, Reggie. Sending all good wishes your way for a successful (and fun) summer.


  2. We'll miss you! And I love Darlington house. Pick up the AD, one of my favorites but I don't always indulge myself with it. Take care. Love to Boy!

  3. May the road rise to meet you; may the wind be always at your back; May the sun shine warm upon your face,the rains fall soft upon your field and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand. Safe traveis and
    good health to you, Boy, and Pompey.

  4. We will await your return....good luck and safe travels Sir.

  5. Reggie, Please know I wish you well but I will miss your witty reflections on the world. I hope your time away works some magic for you. A faithful reader, David

  6. We've never met, but your blog is always worth the will miss you.....isn't life incredibly provocative, missing someone you've never known! Find enjoyment wherever you can. Read you in the Fall!
    Angela Muller

  7. We too will be heading off here and there in a couple of weeks from now, and won't return for about six weeks - so I know the feeling. Safe travels Reggie and I will look forward to reading your blog when you return.

  8. Have a pleasant, successful summer, Reggie!

  9. You are one of my top five *must read* blogs. I'll miss your musing.. like an old friend. Don't forget to come back to us, Reggie.


  10. I'm imagining Darlington House's shutters closed against the heat, its handsome furniture covered in dust covers, the chandeliers bagged against the flies that always seem to find a way in and the clocks stilled for the duration, awaiting--like all of us--your return. Have a great summer!

  11. Dear Mr. Darling, Hope your plate turns out to be less full than you envision, and that you enjoy your time off from the blog. As the other commenters have said, I really enjoy your blog and check it often to see if there are new posts. You are witty and fun, refined and educational without being at all stuffy or grandiose. You capture the best of living well: It's how one spends time and with whom one spends it rather than the more familiar "spending" that occupies so many. A happy and healthy summer to you, Boy and Pompey! Elisabeth

  12. interesting to read thank you I really liked your article I love your beautiful blog and so enjoy your posts.good job

  13. Dear Reggie, You will be missed this summer. I do hope you can find some time to play amongst all of the work!

    Art by Karena

  14. Safe travels, I eagerly await your return! To read your blog is a true pleasure! Jane Keller

  15. Im sure you'll be back with interesting tales Reggie

  16. I know the feeling. Sometimes it's just too much to do. Life does get in the way. Best to you, hope Pompey is recovering well!

  17. Where are my depression pills? How can I go for weeks without my Reggie fix? Wishing you safe and happy travels. I will be here waiting for more mind expanding and fun posts by one of a kind.

  18. All bloggers need a break especially in the summer. Have a lovely time in your travels and enjoy! Looking forward to your return...

  19. Reggie darling, you are so conscientious, a scholar and a gentleman! I usually just disappear, and turn up again when I start getting e-mails asking if I'm dead. :) Have a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful summer! N.G.

  20. I will miss you dahhling Reggie, but I know only too well how our real life has its demands and it makes is harder to keep up with the blog world. Trust you will enjoy yourself immensely!


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