Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Hello Again

Reggie is pleased to announce that he is returning to the blogosphere.

He got rather a lot accomplished over the last five weeks, and he is now able to refocus his sights on his silly scribbles here.

I'm planning any number of posts, Dear Reader, that I hope you will enjoy.  Please stay tuned!

Reggie received the antique postcard featured here from his dear friend Jane Maxwell, of whom he is inordinately fond.  What a delightful and thoughtful gift it was!


  1. Please, let me hear little Pompey is fine! I remember you tried to fit him in Jayne Wrightsman Tabouret Kennel at Sothebys. He's so beautiful!

  2. Welcome back, you have been missed.

  3. The blogosphere is delighted at your return!

  4. Hello Reggie, We are almost as delighted as that coy beauty on the postcard to find out what you have in store for us.

  5. I always check in--- so glad to see you have returned.

  6. Oh Hooray! I don't often comment but I've missed you!

  7. Welcome back!! You were truly missed! Jane Keller

  8. Well Reggie, that's a relief!
    Blogland wasn't quite the same without you.

  9. Welcome back...only seems like a week or two. Certainly not five.

  10. All is right with the world (or at least the on-line world) again. xo

  11. By jove, it is good to have you back! You've been terribly missed, but hope, of course, you've had a lovely and productive time away from blog land.

  12. Thank God you are back. I suspect that you needed an escape from the heat, went inside and the keyboard whispered "oh Regggg-ieeeee."

  13. Hello and a very warm welcome back! Delighted to click on my RD bookmark and see that you are returning to the blog very soon. You have been missed!

  14. You were missed....welcome back!!!

  15. TERRIFIC!I was just speaking of you and HERE YOU ARE!

  16. I'm not quite sure how I found you, but I am charmed!

  17. So happy to see you back! Yours is the blog I have followed the longest.

  18. Can't wait for the updates--Glad your are back among us.

  19. Welcome back, sir. I have missed you.

  20. I have a very clear picture and understanding of "Pompey"! A treasure, indeed!

    I have been so, so lucky to have had such amazing and individual dogs. Each one.......so special....and so treasured! How wonderful to hear you (I can hear you ; even though you are writing!)
    expressing so much appreciation.......for his long life!

    That is the secret!! We are so lucky to enjoy the love (and it is unconditional!!) of our pets. And they don't live long enough.....
    (I think no one does!!)

    Your "ode to Pompey" I have printed out. IT is the most beautiful eulogy I have ever read of a pet. It will live on my refrigerator for me to read.....as long as I live!!

    Thank you!

    I hope you wonderful dog lovers.....at some point....can find it in your hearts to have another.

    Every dog deserves to be loved as you loved Pompey......

    I don't even to say one more word.!

    He was a lucky dog; and you were so lucky to have him. What a treasure!

    My heart hurts for you. Honestly.

  21. PS I cried. It brought back all the memories of my beloved dogs.

    I remember and miss every one! Some people cannot have another.....I just think of the darling ones in shelters......and so there you go!

    What lucky people you are.....and what a lucky, lucky, and treasured dog!




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